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Presently running a 25w super lower power dual core Athlon II with 8GB RAM.


With Sab downloading, SB and CP running, and some files copying over the network, the entire system becomes a little sluggish, and 'top' reports sysloads between 3-5 depending (I've seen it as high as 6-7(!) if Sab is unpacking a bunch of files and doing CRC checks and such).


I'm going to be installing a mySQL backend for XBMC which will further task the system. 


I usually see nearly all available RAM in use (I know linux is known for this and that its not a true indication that I'm running out of memory).


If I have the option of spending $70 on a faster CPU with more cores, or doubling my memory, which should come first? 


Will unraid (as configured above) be better served by more cores, faster cores, more L2, more L3, etc? 


I'm looking at quad-core Athlon II's in the 2.5-3GHz range (no L3), and quad-core Phenom II's in the same range (L3 present).



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