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Server won't POST after CPU Upgrade


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For starters my hardware is as follows:


Motherboard: Supermicro C2SEA http://www.supermicro.co.uk/products/motherboard/Core/G45/C2SEA.cfm

RAM: Crucial CT2KIT25664BA1067 http://www.crucial.com/store/partspecs.aspx?IMODULE=CT2KIT25664BA1067

PSU: Seasonic X-660 http://www.seasonicusa.com/NEW_X-series_560-660-760-850.htm


I've been running this initially with a Celeron 430, until funds would allow me to upgrade to a Core2Duo CPU.


I bought an E7200, which after installing caused the server to fail to POST, no beeps, nothing except CPU/Case fans spinning. I assumed it was a faulty CPU so returned it.


I've now bought a E8500 which after installation has presented the same symptoms. Seems more than a coincidence... can't believe both CPUs are faulty.


What I've tried: unplugged all other components bar case fans, checked all cable connections, tried with just one module of memory installed at a time, re-flashed the BIOS to latest version, reset BIOS using a screwdriver on the contact patches of the motherboard, removed the BIOS battery. I've now reinstalled the Celeron 430 and it is working perfectly again.


I'm at the point of almost throwing the towel in with this build... giving me a real headache as really can't understand why the Celeron 430 continues to work perfectly, while it fails to even POST with either of the Core2Duo CPUs I've tried.


Does anyone have any suggestions before I lose my mind?  :'(


EDIT: Added urls and fixed typos

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Based on your efforts to isolate the problem, I suspect it's due to the higher core frequencies.  The Celeron 430 is only an 800 MHz FSB chip, whereas the E7200 is 1066 MHz and the E8500 is 1333 MHz.  Either the motherboard or the RAM isn't able to deliver above 800 MHz, despite having specs for higher freq.  That's my guess.

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Thanks for the replies!


I've checked the BIOS version, and although I was on the latest version, I re-flashed it anyway - just in case it was corrupt.  Unfortunately this didn't seem to help.


I have to admit I had completely overlooked the higher FSB of the Core2Duo CPUs, so thanks for pointing it out!  I'm going to get some different RAM to try.. will report back with how I get on!

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Just to follow up, in case someone else runs into the same problem as me and comes across this thread.


I replaced the memory with some different stuff from the Supermicro compatibility list, tried reinstalling my E8500, and it booted first time!


So big thanks to Chugiak for his observation! ;)

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