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issue with replacement of 1 TB with 3 TB hdd

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I swapped out an 1 TB with a 3 TB and started my server.

I have done this before, and it worked ok.


However i did change the "tunable" parameters (added a 0 to all, so times 10) - the parity check runned faster somewhat indeed.


But now it seems the server ran out of memory  as i see some issues in the syslog.

emhttp crashed, and unmenu still works, so i pulled the syslog from the sytem via unmenu.



I think it is doing not much now, and in unmenu i see:

DISK_INVALID /dev/md15  /dev/sde Hitachi_HDS723030BLE640_MS79215X04SAMG


There used to be an 1t TB disk for disk15, now a 3 TB.


I assume a restart, set parameters back, and than restart the array to have it rebuilt ?



some screens from unmenu:


(from /usr/bin/free)            total            used                      free                  shared    buffers    cached

Mem:                                16511104    351708                  16159396          0          180          301788

-/+ buffers/cache:              49740          16461364

Swap:                                0                  0                          0


top - 17:42:45 up 48 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

Tasks: 101 total,  1 running, 100 sleeping,  0 stopped,  0 zombie

Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st

Mem:  16511104k total,  351364k used, 16159740k free,      180k buffers

Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  301788k cached


  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           

    1 root      20  0  828  284  240 S    0  0.0  0:05.28 init             

    2 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 kthreadd         

    3 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/0       

    6 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/0       

    7 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/1       

    9 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.01 ksoftirqd/1       

  11 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/2       

  13 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/2       

  14 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/3       

  16 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.04 ksoftirqd/3       

  17 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/4       

  19 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/4       

  20 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/5       

  21 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 kworker/5:0       

  22 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/5       

  23 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/6       

  24 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 kworker/6:0       

  25 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/6       

  26 root      RT  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 migration/7       

  27 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 kworker/7:0       

  28 root      20  0    0    0    0 S    0  0.0  0:00.00 ksoftirqd/7 




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And a follow up.


The disk i replaced passed the rebuilt process, partity was verified OK


When the mover started to move data to this disk, the following messages came:


Dec  9 17:45:05 Tower2 logger: mover started

Dec  9 17:45:05 Tower2 logger: moving movies/

Dec  9 17:45:05 Tower2 logger: ./movies/magic mike/BDMV/JAR

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: .d..t...... ./

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 shfs/user0: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/disk14/movies/magic mike (5) Input/output error

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: .d..t...... movies/

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: cd+++++++++ movies/magic mike/

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mnt/user0/movies/magic mike" failed: Input/output error (5)

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 217284633. Fsck?

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS (device md14): Remounting filesystem read-only

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1042) [se


Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: ./movies/magic mike/BDMV/BDJO

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 shfs/user0: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/disk14/movies/magic mike (30) Read-only file system

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: cd+++++++++ movies/magic mike/

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mnt/user0/movies/magic mike" failed: Read-only file system (30)

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***

Dec  9 17:45:06 Tower2 logger: rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1042) [se




So everything of the mover failed as the file system was read-only.


after the mover finished lots of these messages:


Dec  9 17:51:00 Tower2 logger: mover finished

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 217284633. Fsck?

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find

stat data of [4 3109 0x0 SD]

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 217284632. Fsck?

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find

stat data of [4 1617 0x0 SD]

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 217284612. Fsck?

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find

stat data of [4 397 0x0 SD]

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 217284632. Fsck?

Dec  9 17:59:27 Tower2 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find

stat data of [4 868 0x0 SD]




I have run a reiserfsck:



root@Tower2:/dev# reiserfsck --check /dev/sdf1

reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)



** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and  it fails **

** please  email bug reports to [email protected], **

** providing  as  much  information  as  possible --  your **

** hardware,  kernel,  patches,  settings,  all reiserfsck **

** messages  (including version),  the reiserfsck logfile, **

** check  the  syslog file  for  any  related information. **

** If you would like advice on using this program, support **

** is available  for $25 at  www.namesys.com/support.html. **



Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1

Will put log info to 'stdout'


Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes


reiserfsck --check started at Sun Dec  9 12:24:16 2012


Replaying journal: Done.

Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed

Checking internal tree.. \/  1 (of  5|/  1 (of 170// 23 (of 160|block 217284612: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (1) expected

the problem in the internal node occured (217284612)/  2 (of 170/block 52707559: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (2) expected

the problem in the internal node occured (52707559),/  2 (of  5-block 153600144: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (3) expected

the problem in the internal node occured (153600144), whole subtfinished

Comparing bitmaps..vpf-10640: The on-disk and the correct bitmaps differs.

Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped

3 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree


reiserfsck finished at Sun Dec  9 12:27:06 2012





I assume i can proceed doing a rebuilt-tree ?


Thanks for advise.

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yes.  proceed with --rebuild-tree. 

However, if the disk with the file-system error is one of your protected data disks, ayou must either


1. run the reiserfsck on the affiliated /dev/md14 device (I am assuming it is disk14 that is read-only),

reiserfsck --rebuild-tree /dev/md14


2. run a correcting parity sync after performing the fix on /dev/sdg1 since parity will be out-of-sync once repairs are made.


Joe L.

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Perhaps me stopping a migration and starting over was not the smartest thing to do.. But since it was hanging, i think it was the only way.

The 1 TB i swapped out i am now pre-clearing again, so that is no fall back anymore...


Say this does not get fixed, how to get the array back valid ?


I would not mind downloading the 900 GB of data, what i cannot find, bad luck, it are only movies.

So i can re-format the drive if needed, but will the array like that ?




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Repair is done it seems.


Last part of the screen output is:



Skipping 30567 blocks (super block, journal, bitmaps) 243990254 blocks will be read

0%....                                                        left 0, 46732 /seccc

706 directory entries were hashed with "r5" hash.

        "r5" hash is selected


        Read blocks (but not data blocks) 243990254

                Leaves among those 37584

                Objectids found 1232


Pass 1 (will try to insert 37584 leaves):

####### Pass 1 #######

Looking for allocable blocks .. finished

0%....20%....40%....60%....80%....100%                        left 0, 162 /sec


        37584 leaves read

                37583 inserted

                1 not inserted

####### Pass 2 #######


Pass 2:

0%....20%....40%..vpf-10260: The file we are inserting the new item (2922 2928 0x271 DRCT (2), len 40, location 4056 entry count 65535, fsck need 0, format new) into has no StatData, insertion was skipped

..60%....80%....100%                          left 0, 0 /sec


        Leaves inserted item by item 1

Pass 3 (semantic):

####### Pass 3 #########

/moviesrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 3109] ("Metal Tornado") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 1617] ("James Bond 1971 Diamonts are forever") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

/movies/harry potter (8) and the deathly hallows part 2 - Bonus/BDMV/JARrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [7 75] ("18912") in directory [2 7] points to nowhere - is removed

/movies/harry potter (8) and the deathly hallows part 2 - Bonus/BDMV/JARvpf-10650: The directory [2 7] has the wrong size in the StatData (392) - corrected to (368)                                                                rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 88] ("BDJO") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 90] ("META") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 106] ("STREAM") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 142] ("PLAYLIST") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

/movies/harry potter (8) and the deathly hallows part 2 - Bonus/BDMVrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 193] ("index.bdmv") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 194] ("AUXDATA") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 199] ("CLIPINF") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

/movies/harry potter (8) and the deathly hallows part 2 - Bonus/BDMVrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 235] ("MovieObject.bdmv") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [6 236] ("BACKUP") in directory [2 6] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [2 6] has the wrong size in the StatData (304) - corrected to (72)                    rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 328] ("PS3_DISC.SFB") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 329] ("background.jpg") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 330] ("PS3_GAME") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 377] ("PS3_VPRM") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 379] ("icon.aai") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 380] ("CERTIFICATE") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 394] ("PS3_UPDATE") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

/movies/harry potter (8) and the deathly hallows part 2 - Bonusrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [5 396] ("dune_folder.txt") in directory [2 5] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [2 5] has the wrong size in the Starebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 397] ("Harry Potter (6) and the Half Blood Prince") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 868] ("home of the brave") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 973] ("HAPPY FEET") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 1085] ("harry potter (1) and  the philosophers stone bonus") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 1446] ("Titanic") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 1470] ("colatteral damage") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 1746] ("animatrix") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 3133] ("Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2678] ("JOHN CARTER") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2706] ("FORTRESS") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2760] ("the art of flight") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2931] ("Leon Japanese version") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2989] ("dixie Chicks storytellers") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 3054] ("SCREWED BRADJE") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 3082] ("Fury 2011") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4 2124] ("harry potter (5) and the order of the phoenix - Bonus") in directory [2 4] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10680: The directory [2 4] has the wrong block count in the StatData (2) - corrected to (1)

vpf-10650: The directory [2 4] has the wrong size in the StatData (888) - corrected to (120)                Flushing..finished

        Files found: 62

        Directories found: 19

        Names pointing to nowhere (removed): 36

Pass 3a (looking for lost dir/files):

####### Pass 3a (lost+found pass) #########

Looking for lost directories:

/869_890vpf-10650: The directory [869 890] has the wrong size in the StatData (48) - corrected to (368)    /869_909get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [869 909] pointes to [868 869], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                          /869_927get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [869 927] pointes to [868 869], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                          /1085_1086get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [1085 1086] pointes to [4 1085], instead of [2 76] - corrected

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1087] ("JAR") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1088] ("BDJO") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1089] ("META") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1102] ("STREAM") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1148] ("PLAYLIST") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1245] ("index.bdmv") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1246] ("AUXDATA") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1247] ("CLIPINF") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1293] ("MovieObject.bdmv") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1086 1294] ("BACKUP") in directory [1085 1086] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [1085 1086] has the wrong size in the StatData (304) - corrected to (48)        /1294_1296get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [1294 1296] pointes to [1086 1294], instead of [2 76] - corrected

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1297] ("00100.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1298] ("00042.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1299] ("00101.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1300] ("00043.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1301] ("00044.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1302] ("00045.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1296 1303] ("00046.mpls") in directory [1294 1296] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10680: The directory [1294 1296] has the wrong block count in the StatData (7) - corrected to (6)

vpf-10650: The directory [1294 1296] has the wrong size in the StatData (3120) - corrected to (2864)      /1471_1531get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [1471 1531] pointes to [1470 1471], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /1471_1558get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [1471 1558] pointes to [1470 1471], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /1746_1747get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [1746 1747] pointes to [4 1746], instead of [2 76] - corrected

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1746 1748] ("JAR") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1746 1749] ("BDJO") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1746 1750] ("META") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1746 1754] ("STREAM") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1811] ("PLAYLIST") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1904] ("index.bdmv") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1905] ("AUXDATA") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1906] ("CLIPINF") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1963] ("MovieObject.bdmv") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [1747 1964] ("BACKUP") in directory [1746 1747] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [1746 1747] has the wrong size in the StatData (304) - corrected to (48)        /2679_2683get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [2679 2683] pointes to [2678 2679], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /2679_2685get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [2679 2685] pointes to [2678 2679], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /2679_2689get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [2679 2689] pointes to [2678 2679], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /2679_2692get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [2679 2692] pointes to [2678 2679], instead of [2 76] - corrected

/CLIPINFrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [2697 2698] ("00000.clpi") in directory [2692 2697] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [2692 2697] has the wrong size in the StatData (80) - corrected to (48)  /3054_3055get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3054 3055] pointes to [4 3054], instead of [2 76] - corrected

/STREAM/00000.m2tsvpf-10680: The file [3059 3060] has the wrong block count in the StatData (30201960) - corrected to (3688)                                                                                          /PLAYLISTrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3061 3062] ("00000.mpls") in directory [3055 3061] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [3055 3061] has the wrong size in the StatData (80) - corrected to (48)          /CLIPINFrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3065 3066] ("00000.clpi") in directory [3055 3065] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [3055 3065] has the wrong size in the StatData (80) - corrected to (48)            /BACKUPrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3068 3069] ("BDJO") in directory [3055 3068] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3068 3070] ("PLAYLIST") in directory [3055 3068] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3068 3072] ("index.bdmv") in directory [3055 3068] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3068 3073] ("CLIPINF") in directory [3055 3068] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3068 3075] ("MovieObject.bdmv") in directory [3055 3068] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [3055 3068] has the wrong size in the StatData (184) - corrected to (48)  /3054_3079get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3054 3079] pointes to [4 3054], instead of [2 76] - corrected

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3079 3080] ("BACKUP") in directory [3054 3079] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [3054 3079] has the wrong size in the StatData (72) - corrected to (48)          /3096_3098get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3096 3098] pointes to [3083 3096], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /3096_3101get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3096 3101] pointes to [3083 3096], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /3109_3110get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3109 3110] pointes to [4 3109], instead of [2 76] - corrected

/STREAM/00000.m2tsvpf-10680: The file [3109 3115] has the wrong block count in the StatData (33870192) - corrected to (0)                                                                                            rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3116] ("PLAYLIST") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3118] ("index.bdmv") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3119] ("AUXDATA") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3120] ("CLIPINF") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3122] ("MovieObject.bdmv") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3110 3123] ("BACKUP") in directory [3109 3110] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10650: The directory [3109 3110] has the wrong size in the StatData (304) - corrected to (144)        /3215_3216get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [3215 3216] pointes to [3134 3215], instead of [2 76] - corrected                                                                                                    /3943_3973rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [3973 3982] ("00103.mpls") in directory [3943 3973] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4138 4269] ("00169.clpi") in directory [3943 4138] points to nowhere - is removed

rebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [4138 4270] ("00542.clpi") in directory [3943 4138] points to nowhere - is removed

vpf-10680: The directory [3943 4138] has the wrong block count in the StatData (9) - corrected to (1)

vpf-10650: The directory [3943 4138] has the wrong size in the StatData (4272) - corrected to (48)        Looking for lost files:

vpf-10680: The file [6 101] has the wrong block count in the StatData (536) - corrected to (0)

vpf-10680: The file [106 108] has the wrong block count in the StatData (28152) - corrected to (2400)

vpf-10680: The file [873 875] has the wrong block count in the StatData (835624) - corrected to (520)

vpf-10680: The file [1085 1441] has the wrong block count in the StatData (680) - corrected to (0)

vpf-10680: The file [1394 1399] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)

vpf-10680: The file [1477 1481] has the wrong block count in the StatData (13656) - corrected to (3440)

vpf-10680: The file [2933 2942] has the wrong block count in the StatData (23555896) - corrected to (23553944)

vpf-10680: The file [3222 3224] has the wrong block count in the StatData (1096) - corrected to (920)

vpf-10680: The file [3944 3951] has the wrong block count in the StatData (512) - corrected to (320)

vpf-10680: The file [4515 4516] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)


        Objects without names 465

        Empty lost dirs removed 24

        Dirs linked to /lost+found: 20

                Dirs without stat data found 2

        Files linked to /lost+found 445

Pass 4 - finished    done 161, 0 /sec

        Deleted unreachable items 351




reiserfsck finished at Sun Dec  9 15:08:01 2012







I highlighted a piece with a bunch of movies that are mentioned.

Those seem indeed not longer available on my movies share.


I started a partity check, that will be 10-12 hours, now at 3% and no corrections/errors yet.


At least i have a list of what to download again..


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ok after a good night sleep i looked what is on the disk14.

A directory with 250 GB of items with only some strange directory/file names in a directory "lost+found", containig no structure. And 1 directory which seem to be correct.


Question: can i just clean this disk out (delete all the information) and than format it (unraid Gui) and start over filling it (if needed do a parity check once more)


I rather download the movies i want to keep again and not spend time looking in the lost+found structure for a m2ts file that might contain the movie.


I just want a stable base to continue on..



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this riserfschk went fast:


root@Tower2:/boot# reiserfsck --check /dev/sdf1

reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)



** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and  it fails **

** please  email bug reports to [email protected], **

** providing  as  much  information  as  possible --  your **

** hardware,  kernel,  patches,  settings,  all reiserfsck **

** messages  (including version),  the reiserfsck logfile, **

** check  the  syslog file  for  any  related information. **

** If you would like advice on using this program, support **

** is available  for $25 at  www.namesys.com/support.html. **



Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1

Will put log info to 'stdout'


Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes


reiserfsck --check started at Mon Dec 10 09:04:39 2012


Replaying journal: Done.

Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed

Checking internal tree.. finished

Comparing bitmaps..finished

Checking Semantic tree:


No corruptions found

There are on the filesystem:

        Leaves 37248

        Internal nodes 224

        Directories 45

        Other files 686

        Data block pointers 37615689 (0 of them are zero)

        Safe links 0


reiserfsck finished at Mon Dec 10 09:10:07 2012




This looks good i think.


Now getting rid of the lost+found files

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Ahh i found Midnight Commander, browsed to it and pressed F8 :)


One more check:


reiserfsck --check started at Mon Dec 10 10:38:50 2012


Replaying journal: Done.

Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed

Checking internal tree.. finished

Comparing bitmaps..finished

Checking Semantic tree:


No corruptions found

There are on the filesystem:

        Leaves 1

        Internal nodes 0

        Directories 3

        Other files 0

        Data block pointers 0 (0 of them are zero)

        Safe links 0


reiserfsck finished at Mon Dec 10 10:41:25 2012



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