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Quick Question - During data drive rebuild is a power down required?

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I've done a search on the forum and come up blank but did find this page on the wiki: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Replacing_a_Data_Drive


This seems to suggest it is necessary to power down the server to replace a data drive. Is this still the case, or was this written for unRAID 4.7?


I ask as I'm using 5.0-rc8a & wondering if simply stopping the array, then restarting it once the replacement disk has been inserted, would be sufficient?


Thanks for looking, and/or sharing your wisdom  ;)

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Thanks for the quick response, I had a hunch this may be the case, but wanted to get some reassurance before I tried it.


As I am just getting comfortable with how everything works at the moment, with only some test data on the array, I will give it a go and post back with how I get on - hopefully this may prove useful to someone else in the future.


Thanks for taking the time to respond, very much appreciated!  :)

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Just to update, I was able to do this without any problems.  :)

Just be aware, some disk controllers and disks can handle plugin with power applied, some cannot.

Most should be "hot-pluggable" but that is more guaranteed with server grade motherboards.


Thanks for pointing that out Joe!


Should have really mentioned hardware in my initial post,  which could well have had some influence on my success - I am using a Supermicro C2SEA, with a Norco SS-500 and WD30EFRX drives.

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