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only flash and cache visible + insane reads on flash


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currently running 5.0-rc8a


so last night i decided to reboot the system quickly (hoping it was gonna be quickly lol) and stuck right now with a parity-sync run ... and none of my shares are being visible at all, only the cache and flash drive, but flash is empty when i open the folder.


usually i use the unmenu option of shutting down with the "powerdown" script/function as the usual stop server and shutdown takes forever with any possible plugins that may be running in the background.


anyhow, i rebooted and wait for 10minutes and the gui never came up, when i used telnet i was able to log in and use the /sbin/powerdown to shut it down again.


i re-copied the bzimage/bzroot files again from a fresh download and removed any plugins i had in the plugins folder except the simplefeatures plugins and i forgot the extra folder, this had plex-server in it. so the next try went about the same way. 10 minutes into it, nothing happened. i was just gonna leave it until today and went to bed. quickly before bedtime, 30 minutes since boot i checked it again, just in case and the webgui opened up, responding very slowly... i tried resetting the statistics to see if any writes/reads were happening and the page froze and then i did leave it until right now.


checked now and the webgui was still dead, telnet into it again and use the powerdown. plugged the usb stick into my win7 and copied all new simplefeatures plugins over and removed plex from the extra folder. and also did a error-check scan, which said it found nothing. plugged it in and this time it booted up, but simplefeatures didnt load at all and only cache drive was visible with the flash drive, but as the subject says, when i open the flash folder, there is nothing visible. also unmenu didnt load (guessing cuz it doesnt see anything on the flash)


so i tried stopping the server and restarting it, then i fucked up and fired of the parity-sync by checking/unchecking the wrong box. no worries about the sync, i'm letting that go currently.


but the wierd part i notice is the reads on the flash drive are showing an insane amount and i have no clue why...


i am starting to wonder if my usb stick might be dying a slow and painfull death. as every time i try rebooting the server, i can barely ever remember it booting up without issues on the first time. always takes 2/3 times to boot up correctly.


anyhow, i've pulled a syslog moment ago. also a screen shot of the reads on the flash.


i've browsed the syslog and notice these errors regarding (sde1) but not sure which drive if any is sde1 unless it's the flash drive??

Jan  3 17:24:24 unRaid emhttp: get_filesystem_sizes: statfs: Input/output error
Jan  3 17:24:24 unRaid kernel: FAT-fs (sde1): FAT read failed (blocknr 1138)



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Did you run check disk in Windows? The flash has a bad file system. Always perform a clean shutdown, e.g., using the webGUI.


Yes, the check disk was ran in Windows and showed no errors.


I think I'll let it finish parity sync and possibly reformat the usb tomorrow and see if that sorts it out?!?

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so the parity-sync finished late last night.


this morning before going to work i tried to clear statistics again and again this caused the webgui to freeze...


.. now back from work i shut the system down. pulled the stick.


reformated and copied the 5-rc5 on it, no plugins at all. only copied the config files to pick up my drives and still no luck.


i'm startng to think it is the usb that is dead. searching the forums i found this http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=23489.msg207076#msg207076 which is pretty much exactly the same as mine is doing.


i tried saving the syslog to the flash drive, but would get

cp: cannot create regular file `/boot/syslog.txt': Input/output error


so i did the other syslog display command and manually copied/pasted it together.


im gonna shut it down for the night, as it's useless right now...


if i go get another stick, currently i have one of these http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=11_180_632&item_id=032726


this one http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=11_180_181&item_id=047111 or this one http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=11_180_632&item_id=032812 mainly cuz i had no issue with the other patriot xporter sticks i have...


and what do i do once i get the stick, get a new licence for it???


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Did you do a quick format or a long format? If the flash is bad you'll nee to contact Limetech for a replacement key.


I would think it was a quick format as it finished in seconds...


I even checked the stick using hd tune pro for any errora, but it showed the stick as ok...


I'll try tommorrow again and maybe some other software forbformatting or google for some other things, before giving up.


As i never messed with my drives, im just praying they are all ok.


Tnx, for the help

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You can choose a long format in windows. It will take longer to complete but will be more thorough.


Potential problems can only be restored (recovered) when doing a long format. If you have a bad stick then a quick format won't help you.


you guys were right.


did a long format when i got home, installed new install of 5-rc5 with my old settings from config directory. no plugins and stock go file and fired up with minor isssue, two drives missing.


shut down checked all cables, fired up and it's ALIVE lol


doing a parity check right now, but all seems to be working fine for now...


maybe i'll bring the plugins back tomorrow :)


tnx for the help

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