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webgui not reachable


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switched this past weekend to rc10, ran the permission script and installed my usual plugins. including simple features


worked without issues for a day, then the next one of my computers couldnt acces the homepage. kinda wierd as all the other had no issues, including my tablet/phone.


until the next day, when all computers stopped being able to access webpage.


everything still works fine and there are no issues, other than the webgui opening.


is there a way to get the homepage working again without rebooting??

i searched all the how to's and possible connections to issues regarding headphones plugin. cleared all my cookies and stuff, no difference at all..


syslog is too big, trying out mega ;)

syslog-2013-01-23.txt (353 KB)


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it's already in the first post  ???


I could not access it directly, without enabling a lot of JavaScript, and I'm uncomfortable doing that for a download site I've never heard of.  If you can vouch for it, I may try it if I need that syslog.

I could not see anything in this second syslog related to webgui access or status, so I'm probably not going to be much help.  There is a lot of stuff I'm not familiar with, related to python and plex, but did not look directly related to emhttp.  You may have to remove your plugins, determine of this webgui issue still exists, then begin adding them back one by one.


Something I did see is that you may get slightly better performance by going into your server BIOS settings, and changing the SATA support mode to a native SATA mode, preferably AHCI, anything but the IDE emulation mode it is in now.  At the moment, the Parity drive and Disk 1 are both in IDE emulation mode.  You may also want to check the JMicron settings for the same type of SATA mode.  JMI controllers usually support AHCI.


Something you are probably aware of, and is completely harmless, the syslog indicates that 3 folders specified in your Cache_dirs command do not exist - 'iTunes', '0_Finished', and 'Dropbox'.

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You should probably, at this point, list all of your hardware and any plugins and/or add-ons that you have on your server.  You should probably also research each of these to determine that you are running the latest version.


You may have to disable all of your add-ons and see if the problem goes away. 


Also, there have been some posts that memory requests by some add-ons will cause the process that runs the web interface to be terminated.  Unfortunately, once terminated, it can not be restarted.   

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I did not look at your syslog - I haven't a clue about much of it. What I do know though is that a very similar thing happened to me last Friday night.  Ultimately, it turned out to be a bad drive -which was very strange because typically when I have had previous drive failures, the webgui stayed up (which is how I discovered them to be bad in the first place). I traced my problem Friday by running the command to bring back the webgui several times, during which the webgui showed up briefly for about 30 seconds (which was long enough to see a red ball on a drive).


I powered down via Putty and some great instructions (see my Friday post). 


While it is likely that this isn't relevant to your situation, I figure that it might be worth a try - in case all else fails.


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Looking at the second syslog, I see you have 8GB ram with a Sempron 140 CPU running:










active streams

activity monitor


core & webgui

disk health

email notify

log viewer

system information

system stats

web server


and probably a couple more and with a couple drives in IDE mode.  Browser may be timing out trying to access emhttp with that load depending on what was active at the time. It could take some time to respond if a couple of those addons are active.  Have you checked for conflicting ports for the addons (web servers)?  You said you tried to access the server via the ip address and not by name so the headphones cookie issue should not be the problem.  There are a couple plugins in use that I have never used so not much else I can offer.




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it's already in the first post  ???


Something I did see is that you may get slightly better performance by going into your server BIOS settings, and changing the SATA support mode to a native SATA mode, preferably AHCI, anything but the IDE emulation mode it is in now.  At the moment, the Parity drive and Disk 1 are both in IDE emulation mode.  You may also want to check the JMicron settings for the same type of SATA mode.  JMI controllers usually support AHCI.


Something you are probably aware of, and is completely harmless, the syslog indicates that 3 folders specified in your Cache_dirs command do not exist - 'iTunes', '0_Finished', and 'Dropbox'.


i'll check the bios settings on the next reboot - tnx for the tips  :)


i saw the errors in cache_dirs, but the folders do exist, only thing is they are not share names, but rather folders inside shares folders..


You should probably also research each of these to determine that you are running the latest version.


You may have to disable all of your add-ons and see if the problem goes away. 


Unfortunately, once terminated, it can not be restarted. 

all, except simple features were on newest version as of last weekend.


and i figured after hours of searching, once it dies, no way to restart the webpage. as this isnt the first time i had this issue...


I powered down via Putty and some great instructions (see my Friday post). 


got those bookmarked from past issues lol, tnx, as they are hard to find if u dont know what to look for


Looking at the second syslog, I see you have 8GB ram with a Sempron 140 CPU running:










active streams

activity monitor


core & webgui

disk health

email notify

log viewer

system information

system stats

web server


and probably a couple more and with a couple drives in IDE mode.  Browser may be timing out trying to access emhttp with that load depending on what was active at the time. It could take some time to respond if a couple of those addons are active.  Have you checked for conflicting ports for the addons (web servers)?  You said you tried to access the server via the ip address and not by name so the headphones cookie issue should not be the problem.  There are a couple plugins in use that I have never used so not much else I can offer.


last thing i was doing was actually messing around with the simple features web server to get newznab/spotweb to play nicely together. so u may be on to something there  :-[


i'll probably have to wait till the weekend to change the BIOS settings and reboot it all, no time during the week with work and life lol.


the memory and cpu and plugins are pretty accurate, spotweb i think is missing up there. do u think the CPU may be becoming a bottleneck with all the plugins i got going? i added more memory last year, after i started using newsgroup plugins...


but the wierdest part of this all, that i havent mentioned in the original post is that i also have unmenu installed on the machine also, and the unmenu page loads fine without issues. but the "unraid main" page thru unmenu doesnt work either.


speaking of unmeny, playing here with a few of the syslog options

especially the last two lines with the power outage, i wonder if that may have something to do with it all  :-\


Jan 18 15:44:33 unRaid kernel:  pci0000:00: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_NOT_FOUND), returned control mask: 0x1d (Minor Issues)
Jan 18 15:44:55 unRaid logger: #  * Extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes (Errors)
Jan 18 15:45:02 unRaid emhttp: Plus key detected, GUID: xxx (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:02 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (2): udevadm settle (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:02 unRaid emhttp: ST31500341AS_9VS0DLTE (hdg) 1465138584 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:02 unRaid emhttp: ST3300622A_5NF1WVYJ (hdf) 293036184 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:02 unRaid emhttp: ST3500418AS_9VMT0C09 (hdh) 488386584 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:04 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (4): :>/etc/samba/smb-shares.conf (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:04 unRaid emhttp: Start SMB... (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:04 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (5): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba start |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:04 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (6): ps axc | grep -q rpc.mountd (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:04 unRaid emhttp: _shcmd: shcmd (6): exit status: 1 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:05 unRaid emhttp: Spinning up all drives... (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:05 unRaid emhttp: Start array... (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (15): udevadm settle (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (16): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event array_started (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp_event: array_started (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: Mounting disks... (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (18): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/md1 /mnt/disk1 |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (19): chmod 777 '/mnt/disk1' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (20): chown nobody:users '/mnt/disk1' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (22): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/md2 /mnt/disk2 |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (23): chmod 777 '/mnt/disk2' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (24): chown nobody:users '/mnt/disk2' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (26): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/md3 /mnt/disk3 |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (27): chmod 777 '/mnt/disk3' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (28): chown nobody:users '/mnt/disk3' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (30): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/md4 /mnt/disk4 |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (31): chmod 777 '/mnt/disk4' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (32): chown nobody:users '/mnt/disk4' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (34): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/md5 /mnt/disk5 |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (35): chmod 777 '/mnt/disk5' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (36): chown nobody:users '/mnt/disk5' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (37): mkdir /mnt/cache (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:06 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (38): set -o pipefail ; mount -t reiserfs -o user_xattr,acl,noatime,nodiratime /dev/hdh1 /mnt/cache |$stuff$ logger (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (39): chmod 777 '/mnt/cache' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (40): chown nobody:users '/mnt/cache' (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (41): mkdir /mnt/user0 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (42): /usr/local/sbin/shfs /mnt/user0 -disks 16777214 -o noatime,big_writes,allow_other  (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (43): mkdir /mnt/user (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (44): /usr/local/sbin/shfs /mnt/user -disks 16777215 2000000 -o noatime,big_writes,allow_other,remember=0  (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (45): crontab -c /etc/cron.d - <<< "# Generated mover schedule: 40 21 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mover |$stuff$ logger" (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (46): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event disks_mounted (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:07 unRaid emhttp_event: disks_mounted (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (47): :>/etc/samba/smb-shares.conf (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: Restart SMB... (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (48): killall -HUP smbd (Minor Issues)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (49): ps axc | grep -q rpc.mountd (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: _shcmd: shcmd (49): exit status: 1 (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp: shcmd (50): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event svcs_restarted (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:45:25 unRaid emhttp_event: svcs_restarted (Other emhttp)
Jan 18 15:46:03 unRaid cache_dirs: ERROR: excluded directory "iTunes" does not exist. (Errors)
Jan 18 15:46:03 unRaid cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory "0_Finished" does not exist. (Errors)
Jan 18 15:46:03 unRaid cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory "Dropbox" does not exist. (Errors)
Jan 18 16:23:28 unRaid useradd[22199]: failed adding user 'mysql', data deleted (Minor Issues)
Jan 19 02:54:33 unRaid sudo:     root : TTY=console ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/kill -9 18774 (Minor Issues)
Jan 19 16:16:01 unRaid useradd[21919]: failed adding user 'mysql', data deleted (Minor Issues)
Jan 19 16:29:40 unRaid sudo:     root : TTY=console ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/kill -9 21890 (Minor Issues)
Jan 20 02:57:05 unRaid apcupsd[2572]: Power failure. (Minor Issues)
Jan 20 02:57:08 unRaid apcupsd[2572]: Power is back. UPS running on mains. (Minor Issues)


again, tnx for your time too look at this

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Your memory is a good amount.  Whether or not the CPU is adequate is up to you and your tolerance level because loading at any one time is up to what plugins are actually doing something.  Loading from a Linux standpoint, you can run "top" through telnet and see what the sysloads are doing over time.  Since you have Cool n' Quiet enabled you can run the following in a telnet window:

watch -n.1 'cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep MHz'

It will show you what the processor frequency is in near real time.  If it stays near max (2700) for long periods of time before dropping down it is a good piece of data to use in conjunction with sysload numbers to determine if the Sempron is truly overloaded.  By default the governor is 'ondemand' and is rather poorly tuned so the cpu needs to be really hit hard to get sustained max speed.


Unraid 5.0-rc10 - Asus M5A78L-MLX Plus (RT8111E) - AMD Athlon II X3 450 Rana 3.2GHz - 8GB DDR3 - Antec NEO ECO 620W - Antec Three Hundred Case - 1x Rosewill RC-211 (cache) - Parity: 1T Seagate ST1000DM005/HD103SJ - DATA: 3x WD Black 750G - 1x 1T Seagate ST1000DM003 - 1x 500G Seagate ST500DM002, Cache: Intel X25-V SSD 40GB w/8GB swap partition

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