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Help Interpreting Smart Report

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Hi Hard Drive Guru's


Just getting started with unRAID on HP N36L (5MB RAM) running v5 rc10


Currently have 2TB + 500GB  and 2TB parity


When I try to copy a large volume of data (100's GB) the entire machine freezes: nothing abnormal in syslog). It's been working fine as WHS server for months, so I think the hardware is OK


I ran SMART reports and not sure if I should be concerned about A and C


see attached


A has high numbers:


  • Raw_Read_Error_Rate

Reallocated_Sector_Ct is 0 though


Drive only has 12K power on hours



B also has some errors

ATA Error Count: 19 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)




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Even though I don't own a server, I've recently been having issues with a seagate drive and, well, apparently my raw read error rate is:-


1,Raw Read Error Rate,6,118,99,OK,00000BFA9268,0,Enabled


And, I believe that's in the order of:-


Decimal of the ID status|Name of status|Threshold|Value|Worst|Status|Data|Offset|Not a clue, probably something to do with the configuration of the program I'm using. As you can see my raw read error rate is 200,970,856, which, is in an insane amount and pretty obviously shouldn't be trusted, but, nor should the drive since the drive is failing, unrelated however.

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