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Flash key won't boot up

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I am at a loss for what else to try.


After being down for a week waiting for a new Sata Controller (Supermicro AOC-USAS2-L8i)

the flash key won't boot up. I installed the sata controller which had already worked in this

server but I moved it to another server, and the flash key was working fine.  Now it gets

to "Loading the operating system..." and just sits there.


I checked the bios bootup sequence, which was wrong but I reset it to USB-HDD0 which is the

Sandisk flash key, followed by HDD. Now I don't know what else to try.


Do I need to re-install unRaid with a new syslinux on it?

What else?


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You should not need to reinstall anything if the flash drive is unchanged, but as he said, you can Check Disk it to make sure it's fine.  All you normally have to do, after a drive-related change such as a new controller, is fix the boot order.

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After numerous attempts, I was able to determine that the LSi sata controller was either not seated correctly or in the wrong PCIx16 slot. When disconnected, the flash booted fine.


I am able to boot up correctly now.

Maybe the PCIe x16 slot you connected it to is not compatible with any card but a graphics card.  Or you need to make a change in the bios to make it work with cards other than graphics cards.
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