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UNMENU - unRAID Power-Down on disk overtemp Question


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I discovered a little while ago that for unmenu to detect the temperature of disks connected to an M1015 it needed 'smartopt -A' to be set for each disk, which I believe I'm correct in stating drops the '-d ATA' part of the command used to query the disk smart attributes.


This made me wonder if any further configuration was needed to get the Power-Down on disk overtemp plugin to detect temperatures for all my disks.


So being nosey, I took a look at overtemp_shutdown.sh, which was installed from the unmenu package.  I noticed this uses '-d ATA' as part of the command to query the disk smart attributes too. Is there some logic that I can't see which drops the '-d ATA' if no temperature is returned?


If not, would it be safe to edit the script and remove the '-d ATA' part myself? Also would these changes be overwritten on at boot?


Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated!  ;)

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Any clues on this? Or alternatively who the author of the script is?

It was me.  Older versions of unRAID needed the -d ATA.  Newer versions do not.


The script itself is re-created from the /boot/packages/powerdown-overtemp-unmenu-package.conf file on every boot.

You can edit the /boot/packages/powerdown-overtemp-unmenu-package.conf file that creates the script. 


Also add an additional line to the end of the /boot/packages/powerdown-overtemp-unmenu-package.conf file.


It will prevent the file from being overwritten when you check for updates within unMENU.


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Thanks Joe, the advice is very much appreciated!


I've just made these changes to /boot/packages/powerdown-overtemp-unmenu-package.conf, rebooted but the changes aren't reflected in /usr/local/sbin/overtemp_shutdown.sh.  The script is in its original form, with '-d ata' still in there. 


Can you offer any clues as to what's going wrong?


I've attached both files in case this helps.




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Thanks Joe, the advice is very much appreciated!


I've just made these changes to /boot/packages/powerdown-overtemp-unmenu-package.conf, rebooted but the changes aren't reflected in /usr/local/sbin/overtemp_shutdown.sh.  The script is in its original form, with '-d ata' still in there. 


Can you offer any clues as to what's going wrong?


I've attached both files in case this helps.

You'll need to re-install it.  To do that, just click on the button to "Disable re-install on reboot" and then click it once more to "Enable re-install on reboot"

Or, pretend you are editing one of the parameters for temperature on it in the package-manager, save the change (even if you do not change anything), then click on the button to re-install with new values,  and it will re-install with the newer version.


Joe L.

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