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Hi, I'm using the Unraid free version 5.0-Beta14 with a three 2TB disks.  My shares are using the fill-up allocation method.


- Parity disk is sda

- Data disk1 is sdb <-- 750gb free

- Data disk2 is sdc <-- No data is on this disk


About two weeks ago, I powered down the server using the web interface and moved it.  When I booted it back up in the new location, I noticed the web interface took a noticeably longer to load the main/shares/users/settings/utils pages.  When I brought the array online, those pages seemed to respond quicker.  I shut the server down this earlier this week and  when I booted up last night, the web interface reported that disk 2 had an error, but I could start the array without the disk.  I did not start the array and rebooted instead.  No errors reported after the reboot.  I brought the array online and everything seemed normal except for the web interface now showing an error under disk2.


I tried to stream a movie and could not without a pause every 3 minutes..  I thought this was a switch/router/cabling issue, but now I believe it to be a disk read issue on disk1.  I “think” the integrity of the disk is okay and maybe this is a quirk with Unraid?  I’m not positive though.


I tried running a parity check and it reported 24 sync errors and 103,939 minutes (two months) estimated to finish the parity check.  I don't wish to wait two months, so I canceled the parity check.  I ran “smartctl –a –A /dev/sda” and also on sdb and sdc and attached the reports for those disks.  Disk1 (sdb) looks like it has the issues, but, it reports 0 for Reallocated_Sector_Ct, Current_Pending_Sector, UDMA_CRC_Error_Count.


System logs shows: (which is also attached).

Jul 22 02:08:14 Tower kernel: ata4: lost interrupt (Status 0x50)

Jul 22 02:08:14 Tower kernel: ata4.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen

Jul 22 02:08:14 Tower kernel: ata4.00: failed command: READ DMA


I will verify my HDD data cables did not come loose from moving the server, but other than that, I’m not sure what to do… Any suggestions? Thanks.






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