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Drive Upgrades

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Umm, not really sure if this is the right part of the forum so mods please feel free to move post if I have screwed up....


My unraid server currently has 3 data drives and a parity and I'm now out of drive slots. I'm planning to install a 5 in 3 bay enclosure into which I plan to add a new drive as a cache drive and one of the existing drives from my array (currently mounted in the floppy drive bay!!)


My question is, on moving the exisiting drive, is it simply a case of remove sata cable from motherboard and replace onto appropriate port on enclosure? Or is there something that could potentially go wrong with this approach?



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Assuming you are using a version 5rc then yes its as simple as just moving the drive and having a connection. If you are on a version before 5 say 4.7 you need to make sure the same port is used on the motherboard or controller for the drive when it is connected. Version 5 and up use the serial number of the drive to determine location so it makes things easier when you move drives around.

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Just to be clear, that ONLY applies to v5.    That was stated above, but I want to be sure you noted it.    If you're currently running v4.7, I'd upgrade to v5.0 before you start moving things around.


But once you're on v5.0, you can freely move the drive connections to any port that's available in your system -- motherboard, add-in controller, etc.


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Thanks for double checking but its all good, I'm on one of the RC versions of 5 but not sure which off the top of my head. Although I did note yesterday that V5.0 seems to have gone to a stable release now...is this worth switching to or best to stay on the RC releases? I've not had any problems and I tend to work on the logic of don't fix it if its not broken !!


Edit: maybe I should change my sig so it shows details of system and version of software etc!! Thanks.

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