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Newbie MySQL and database consolidation questions


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I’m looking for some advice.  I have three media streamers (Pivos & AppleTV) and I’m tired of each streamer maintaining it’s on XBMC database.    My goal is to keep a centralized MySQL database on my Unraid server.


Although there some great guides out there, they haven’t answered all of my questions (particularly with Unraid).  Or for that matter, told me how to do the things I want to do.  So, hopefully, some of you experts can help me answer my newbie questions:


(1) Is the MySql package in Unraid all I need to install?  In other words, do I need to be running another instance of XBMC as a head?  This would be problematic since I don’t have a system up all of the time and just want to leverage my Unraid server.

(2) How do I import my existing library into MySQL (every guide I've read has the creation of a new database)?  I have over 1000 movies and countless television shows.  And if I can export my existing library, does someone have a guide or something I can follow?

(3) If I can simply use MySql on my Unraid server, how do I update the library on a regular basis?

(4) Is any data stored locally on the streamer when I leverage MySQL?  My AppleTV2 is almost at max storage capacity with metadata and I anticipate it causing problems as my library continues to grow.  Another reason why I need to consolidate!

(5) I understand that I have to edit and copy the advancedsettings.html for each streamer within XBMC.  However, is it compatible with different XBMC instances? For example, I’m running two linux versions on my PIVOS boxes and IOS on my AppleTV.

(6) Are there any best practices that I need to be aware of? For example, do I put the MySQL database on my main array or a cache drive?

(7) Are there any potential “gotchas” that I need to be aware of while I’m installing?


Thank you for the help!


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The platform you run XBMC on makes no difference when sharing a library, however they must all be on the same version number of XBMC, i.e. all machines on eden 11.x or frodo 12.x


In XBMC system settings , go to video , export library and select separate files, export thumbnails, (optional on whether you want to export actor thumbs) , overwrite


Mysql on your unraid server is feasible but resource hungry (particularly memory).


You don't need to install a head xbmc on your unraid, you need to edit your advanced settings file to point to your mysql database on the unraid server.


Use the mysql plugin that is in the plugins page




then follow instructions here




PRO TIP, if you share a common sources file between your machines it makes it easier to use them all to update your media.


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Appreciate the support and links!  They are all running Frodo 12.2.


And memory isn't an issue. I'm running Unraid on an old workstation that has 12GB of memory.


I will check out Plex, but frankly, just want to get what I have fully working.


The platform you run XBMC on makes no difference when sharing a library, however they must all be on the same version number of XBMC, i.e. all machines on eden 11.x or frodo 12.x


In XBMC system settings , go to video , export library and select separate files, export thumbnails, (optional on whether you want to export actor thumbs) , overwrite


Mysql on your unraid server is feasible but resource hungry (particularly memory).


You don't need to install a head xbmc on your unraid, you need to edit your advanced settings file to point to your mysql database on the unraid server.


Use the mysql plugin that is in the plugins page




then follow instructions here




PRO TIP, if you share a common sources file between your machines it makes it easier to use them all to update your media.

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