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Locating unraid Server in garage


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Hi All


I just bought a new 4U rackmount chassis to replace my HP microserver. I currently have about 8TB of storage. all my critical data is backed up with crashplan. I want to locate my old server in my detached uninsulated wooden garage (Chicago), so that in event of burglary/fire, I still have a copy of my data. Obviously, it gets very cold in winter and very hot in summer. Anyone got any ideas of how I could house the server and keep the temperature OK. 


My thoughts so far:


Build a small enclosure to house the server and UPS. Put two layers of R19 insulation around it. Would the heat from server and UPS keep the internal temp warm enough?


In summer run some ducting with a fan to the roof vent


Anyone done anything crazy like this?





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Doesn't sound like a good idea.  While R-38 insulation around an enclosed box would likely keep it warm enough in cold weather; it may also "bake" it on moderate days -- and almost certainly in the summer, unless you had an air conditioner on it.


Not sure a "... detached uninsulated wooden " structure is a good place to "protect" your data from fire either.


I'd be more inclined to just use the DRIVES from your old server, stored in drive storage boxes [like these:  http://www.rakuten.com/prod/wiebetech-drivebox-anti-static-3-5-hdd-case-plastic1-hdd/220702380.html?srccode=cii_208507866 ]; and stored in a fireproof, waterproof safe.    Not as easy to maintain current backups as a 2nd server; but not really very difficult if you get in the habit of simply writing everything new you add to the server to "current" backup drive; and then just storing the drives as they fill up and starting a new "current" drive.


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