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Cache Drive Dies, No space left on device, FSCK


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I had my cache drive die yesterday, with my cache-only share for things like transmission.  After a power-down, wait, power-up, I was able to get the cache-drive to spin up, and I used rsync to get my applications directories off to my protected array before turning down the array, removing the cache disk, and then bringing up the array again.  Now I have a situation like this:


root@maxi:/mnt/user/bmfrosty# df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1      7.5G  148M  7.3G  2% /boot

/dev/md1        2.8T  2.5T  330G  89% /mnt/disk1

/dev/md2        2.8T  2.4T  348G  88% /mnt/disk2

/dev/md3        2.8T  2.3T  523G  82% /mnt/disk3

shfs            8.2T  7.1T  1.2T  86% /mnt/user



Feb 11 06:48:05 maxi shfs/user: shfs_create: assign_disk: bmfrosty/transmission/blah.txt (28) No space left on device


Anyone know why I'm getting a "No space left on device"?


I'm currently running FSCK on all of my data drives.


Any thoughts?

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Ah.  Since I no longer had a cache drive, the WebGUI removed the option in the share configuration screen to  make the share 'cache only'.  I stopped the array and then edited the config file by hand removing the line that told it to use cache only for the share.  I then started the array again and the directory is now writable.

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