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[solved] Adding new hard drive, now all drives say unformatted?

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So I added a new hard drive (powered down, assigned it, started the array, and waited for it to install the new drive) and now all my drives say unformatted?


Did I do something wrong or should I hit the format button (I've attached a picture below)? Kind of scared of losing all my data. Thanks for any help. 


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Do not hit format. You will loose all of the data on your array.


Did you preclear the drive before adding it?


Stop the array, take a syslog, post it.


You are using a very old version of unRAID with known defects. Suggest that you upgrade after this issue is resolved, to 5.0.5.



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Yes. unRAID will report a drive as unformatted if it fails to mount the drive. Although being unformatted is one reason a drive would fail to mount, there are other ones. Clearly you hit one of the other ones. But had you hit format, it would have gladly formatted every drive in your array. No recovery would have been possible without using reiserfsck, which although effective much of the time, is not something you would enjoy and the results would likely be less than perfect.


As I said, update  your array to at least 4.7, but you really should go to 5.0.5.

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