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Strange issues with (public) SMB shares

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Hey all,


I'm trying to edit some files on my SMB shares (Unraid 5.0.5 on HP Microserver) via my desktop PC (Win 7, 64bit).

While (I thought) I had all the shares set up properly, I often notice some glitches, in that I can delete *some* folders/files of a certain share but I get errors when trying to do the same for other folders/files on the *same* share!

What's more frustrating is that this behavior persists even when setting the share to public.


To give an example:

I have a "TV Shows" share, where you can find "Show 1" and "Show 2".

The share is set to public (for troubleshooting purposes).

I can edit & delete files in "Show 1", but I cannot do the same for "Show 2"; I can actually edit the files of in "Show 2" but when I try to delete them I get the attached error message.

So, for some of my Shows/Movies/whatever, I have to connect through Putty and delete the folders via terminal, which is not really practical.


Tried restarting the server and the desktop, as well as play around with the share settings, but no luck - I still need to get permission from that "nobody" guy.  :o

Any ideas on how to solve this?


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Thanks for the prompt reply, Bob! :)


I was not aware of the "newperms" thingie. It seems to do the trick; everything works as intended now (at least with my shares set as public).

Is that something I need to run every time I change the share permissions?

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And I thought it was just me..

I get that on my TVShows as well at times when I try to delete a show.

Sometimes it gets so bad that I get file could not be found when trying to play one I just recorded.

I always run Permissions and then Restart the server and my Mac Mini to fix it.

Just rebooting unRaid does not seem to work, I have to restart after power down.

One theory I have is that it seems to happen when I access that share from another computer using the same user. Not sure if it happens when I log in with different user. Just a note that it is happening for me with AFP.

It's not often but when it does it's a pain.

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Not if you add/move/update files across the network.  If you do that from unRAID console as user root you may have to.  I had problems moving files with mc (Midnight Commander) unless I ran it with "sudo -u nobody mc" rather than just "mc".  Adding the "sudo..." causes Midnight Commander to run as if it was started by user "nobody".  User "nobody" is how files are used on a public access unRAID share (I.E. NO defined users on unRAID) when done across the network - or as I've been lead to believe from posts from others.  An expert might be able to confirm or deny that assumption.  If you had unRAID 4.7 or before and upgraded to 5.0.? then you should have run that command when you upgraded (and maybe you didn't).  These problems could show up if you forget to run "newpermissions" after upgrade - once again based on other posts I have read.

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