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Error on parity drive

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I had a scare earlier from my unRaid server. After starting up, I could not find all my shares in the "user" folder although the data seem to be safe in the disk1 and disk2. The shares finally reappeared after several restarts.


This made me check the log and I found a bunch of Emask 0x0 errors. This made me perform SMART tests on all my drives. The SMART tests results for my 2 data disks turned out to be fine which was a huge relief. The result from the parity drive was different from the data disks. It seems to indicate that there is error on my parity disk but I am not really an expert. Could someone have a look at the output and let me know if I need to replace the parity disk? Thanks.


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I did a "smartctl  -a  -d  ata  /dev/sda". I replaced the disk. The server is rebuilding the parity now. It was doing it early but it unfortunately did a shutdown by itself without any apparent reason. So the parity is going to take another 24 hours to run! But at least accessing the webgui and unmenu now is a lot faster. I think the faulty disk is the culprit. I am just concerned that the server will shutdown with no apparent reason before the parity sync is completed.


Any suggestion how I could capture the syslog information before the server shuts down? Thanks.


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