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How to get LSI SATA MegaRAID 150-6 Drives to Appear in UnRaid

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Good Afternoon Folks,

  I am new to Unraid & the forums and thought i'd start here.  Currently I am running the latest version of Unraid on a Dell PowerEdge 840.  I have utilized the 4 SATA ports on the motherboard and now looking to expand.  I have two LSI SATA MegaRAID 150-6 Controllers sitting around so i thought I'd try one out. After trying everything I could to just get Unraid to see the 6 drives I added, I ended up going to the forums and internet.  I found several post on these forums referencing people using these controllers. With some more digging I found out someone got UnRaid to see the drives using this method:



I tried the above recommendation of creating individual Raid 0s for each drive, but that did not work sadly. As Unraid does not see these additional drives.


So i am reaching out to the forums looking for some help.  Looks like a lot of people have used these so i assume someone can help me.


Here is the exact card:


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