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Share has vanished

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I have several shares on my array.

I was changing a share to enable it to use the cache drive (it was previously set to not use the cache drive).


I changed Use Cache Disk from No to Yes, then clicked something to confirm the change.

The next page said something like "The share has been deleted"


Now all 6 shares are gone.


The volume is still mounted on my desktop and I can still read files off the server but I get a permissions error if I try writing to it.


I dare not restart the server for fear of losing the access that I still have.


I've tried creating a new share, it seems to go through the motions of creating a share, but it's not actually created.


I wonder if this is a bug in Dynamix ?


Any suggestions would be welcome. I don't fancy losing 6TB of data (ha, ha, should have a backup)



Unraid Pro v5.0.5

Dynamix webgui v2.2.4

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I had the exact same issue last week.  I shut the server down pulled the flash drive and put it in my windows machine.  Windows ran error checking and fixed it.  After putting back in the server it booted back up normal.  However it only lasted for 3 days and am back in the same boat.

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I had the exact same issue last week.  I shut the server down pulled the flash drive and put it in my windows machine.  Windows ran error checking and fixed it.  After putting back in the server it booted back up normal.  However it only lasted for 3 days and am back in the same boat.

Are you doing an unsafe shutdown? You must stop the array before shutting down or you will corrupt the flash drive.
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I always do clean shutdowns (it's rare to shutdown, it's so reliable), but we did have a short power cut a week ago so that was an unclean shutdown.

Time to buy a UPS.


Anyway, did a clean shutdown this morning, on my iMac I used Disk Utility to make a disk image of the USB drive.

Put USB back into server, powered up and my shares are back.


I'd better swot up on how to backup & restore the USB drive and think about a back up strategy.


Thank you for your help.



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