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Trying to get Plex to work and failing lol


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I'm in the process of moving over to this whole docker thing - I have a basic grasp on it so bear with me.


For years I've been running UnRaid v5 and used to just download Plex PMS and copy it to my flash drive and I was good. There was a little plugin where I could specify the library and temp location, stop , restart etc and that was it.


Previously I pointed the plugin to /mnt/user/PlexLibrary for the library etc.


So when adding the Docker in the path field I did:


Container Volume: /config > Host Path: /mnt/user/PlexLibrary


Firing up Plex and there is no library although looking in settings its picked my Plex settings etc.


As for the library I found a post that suggest adding /mnt/ to the docker path. No difference.


What I am doing wrong here?


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I'm still playing with the docker thing but I'll try based on my experience


/config  specifies where you Plex config files go. That will be somewhere outside the docker.img. I believe many people use the cache drive as it will likely keep whatever drive you have it on spinning


you need to mount the directories to your actual files (remember the Docker stuff doesn't see outside the docker.img unless you mount them). So you should create say a "/Movies" Container volume and point that to the Host Path where you Movies are . Then when you load up Plex, you can go to the /Movies directories and all your Movies should be there


I don't use the /mnt to /mnt thing and haven't had an issue.



**Edit: I just realized you may be trying to maintain your library. I don't know that it will work since your directory structure will be different in the Docker container than it was running ON unRaid (essentially you are changing Hosts from unRaid to a Docker container). You could try creating a mount point in Docker that is the same as your original Plex Directories but that seems a tad confusing



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