kodi HELIX headless release

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since this is a new installation and you have no data to lose etc.... these are the steps required.


add a user to mariadb with full privileges (i don't use heidimysql so i don't really know what to tell you to do to achieve that)


make sure that username can be reached from all clients by using % in host, (you can lock it down with ip ranges later if you wish, but for now use %)



delete everything in the unraid config folder for this docker, for you that would appear to be /mnt/disk/5502/apps/kodi/


check your config in the template , note you don't have to map your media folders in this headless instance either, for the mysql/mariadb setup, the DB handles all of that when you scan your library in on another machine.


restart container.

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You should probably drop all the tables in the mariadb as well and start over, if sparkly's suggestions don't do it.


Since you don't have any data (sql data) to loose, just start over.


Purge the DB, then restart it (or trash the entire DB folder/etc) and make a new one, then log into it and make a user xbmc/xbmc and give it global rights. Then restart/remake your headless kodi install.


Also got a laptop/desktop/etc with kodi? Use it to check that your DB is up and working before the headless one, then we know its not a sql error.

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Looks like I am missing something else.


1. deleted /mnt/cache/SSD2/apps/kodi < install for kodi

2. deleted /mnt/cache/SSD2/apps/mariadb < install for mariadb

3. Started mariadb

4. Connected to mariadb from windows, created user/pass as xbmc/xbmc with Global Rights (attached pic 1)

5. Started kodi with docker template settings (attached pic 2)

5. Clicked on Kodi docker Gui and connected to

6. clicked on Profiles > master pass and got "Connection to server lost" (attached picture 3)


What am I missing here?


You should probably drop all the tables in the mariadb as well and start over, if sparkly's suggestions don't do it.


Since you don't have any data (sql data) to loose, just start over.


Purge the DB, then restart it (or trash the entire DB folder/etc) and make a new one, then log into it and make a user xbmc/xbmc and give it global rights. Then restart/remake your headless kodi install.


Also got a laptop/desktop/etc with kodi? Use it to check that your DB is up and working before the headless one, then we know its not a sql error.




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Looks like I am missing something else.


1. deleted /mnt/cache/SSD2/apps/kodi < install for kodi

2. deleted /mnt/cache/apps/mariadb < install for mariadb

3. Started mariadb

4. Connected to mariadb from windows, created user/pass as xbmc/xbmc with Global Rights (attached pic 1)

5. Started kodi with docker template settings (attached pic 2)

5. Clicked on Kodi docker Gui and connected to

6. clicked on Profiles > master pass and got "Connection to server lost" (attached picture 3)


What am I missing here?


You should probably drop all the tables in the mariadb as well and start over, if sparkly's suggestions don't do it.


Since you don't have any data (sql data) to loose, just start over.


Purge the DB, then restart it (or trash the entire DB folder/etc) and make a new one, then log into it and make a user xbmc/xbmc and give it global rights. Then restart/remake your headless kodi install.


Also got a laptop/desktop/etc with kodi? Use it to check that your DB is up and working before the headless one, then we know its not a sql error.






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Oh okay, thanks Sparkly. I have been going round in circles since last night due to that connection lost message. Where do you pass the video library to be added? Any recommended link to help me configure the client gui? Thanks!



my install is doing everything it should and i get that error clicking on the master profile thing.



there's not really much you can do with that webui at all. it's best just left well alone.


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I think this may be as simple as needing to use the full path


docker exec -it mariadb /bin/bash


root@Unraid-Nas:~# docker exec -it MariaDB /bin/bash

root@50e6c8950452:/# mysql -u root

TERM environment variable not set.





root@50e6c8950452:/# export TERM=xterm

root@50e6c8950452:/# mysql -u root -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MariaDB connection id is 733

Server version: 5.5.37-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)


Copyright © 2000, 2014, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

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  • 1 year later...

@sparklyballs, how do I get your headless install to use Kodi 16. Everything I try gets me to 14.2 when I use your repo. I have seen some folk's advise to set a version in the docker settings of the container, however, I can't find out what value I need. Can you post a screenshot if this is still the case?




So after looking around I found the variable in sparkly repo.


# set kodi checkout version as variable
kodiCheckout=15.1-Isengard && \


On windows I attempt to use git to check out the V16 branch using the following, and it works.


$ git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.gi

$ git branch -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/master

$ git checkout 16.0-Jarvis


What I can't find is a working variable within the unraid docker UI that will override the default value within the Dockerfile. i assumed that all i need to do is add a value in the UI settings however, its not working


Environment Name = kodiCheckout

Environment Value = 16.0-Jarvis

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