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[SOLVED] Win 2003 Server Access to Unraid Share


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I am trying to get access to one of my unraid shares thru Windows 2003 Server.  I am not using any security on Unraid, everything is wide open.  Both machines are on the same subnet.    I can ping my unraid server from W2k3 and get a response.  I can browse the network from W2k3 file explorer and see the Unraid server, but no shares appear.  If I try to access the unraid share from a unc path(\\mediatower\music) on W2k3 server, I am prompted for credentials.  I tried using my unraid root credentials, but no luck.


Am I missing something here? I've heard that SMB service in W2k3 may be outdated. 


Thanks in Advance,


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The unRAID root user has no network access to shares by design.


Does it work with any other computers on your network? If not, then maybe you haven't configured unRAID settings properly. There are settings to enable user shares over SMB, each disk can be shared or not over SMB, etc.

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