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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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NAS, the mount point is only a suggestion. In fact, the order is: user mount point, label or id.


One can always change the mount point if they wishes.

I currently use UDEV via my ownsetup to mount disks via a USB3 stage rack.


What I do differently I think is that the mount point and share is based on the cradle slot and not the disk id e.g. /mnt/usbslot1 and /mnt/usbslot2


For me this is very useful because I dont care so much for disk id based mount point and shares as all I want to know if i put a disk in slot 1 it mounts as slot 1.


The tricky part is finding the udev string match to make sure this happens.


This approach isnt for everyone but some may find it helpful. Would it be of any interest as a future enhancement to this addon?


Sorry I missed your reply. Very very intrersted in this. Once last question before I attempt to migrate away from my roll-your-own-solution; can you define which script run before umount?

You can define the script that runs, but it runs on both mount and umount. See the example in first post.
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NAS, the mount point is only a suggestion. In fact, the order is: user mount point, label or id.


One can always change the mount point if they wishes.

I currently use UDEV via my ownsetup to mount disks via a USB3 stage rack.


What I do differently I think is that the mount point and share is based on the cradle slot and not the disk id e.g. /mnt/usbslot1 and /mnt/usbslot2


For me this is very useful because I dont care so much for disk id based mount point and shares as all I want to know if i put a disk in slot 1 it mounts as slot 1.


The tricky part is finding the udev string match to make sure this happens.


This approach isnt for everyone but some may find it helpful. Would it be of any interest as a future enhancement to this addon?


Sorry I missed your reply. Very very intrersted in this. Once last question before I attempt to migrate away from my roll-your-own-solution; can you define which script run before umount?

You can define the script that runs, but it runs on both mount and umount. See the example in first post.


Thanks I see it now. Appreciated.

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I am moving over to an Unraid server and it is taking forever to copy my data to it via my network...what do I need to edit to make this plugin work and be compatible with the most recent RC6 version of Unraid?


Any help would be a great!




It's not that simple.  You need to wait until gfjardim can make the changes.  Go with 6.0.1 until 6.1 gets fixed.

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I have this plugin installed on v6.01, but I get no UI for it, even when clicking on the plugin.  I've rebooted a couple times, and tried installing RCs, moving back to stable, and removing and reinstalling the plugin.  Any thoughts?  I've also tested multiple browsers, cleared cache, etc.

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NAS, the mount point is only a suggestion. In fact, the order is: user mount point, label or id.


One can always change the mount point if they wishes.

I currently use UDEV via my ownsetup to mount disks via a USB3 stage rack.


What I do differently I think is that the mount point and share is based on the cradle slot and not the disk id e.g. /mnt/usbslot1 and /mnt/usbslot2


For me this is very useful because I dont care so much for disk id based mount point and shares as all I want to know if i put a disk in slot 1 it mounts as slot 1.


The tricky part is finding the udev string match to make sure this happens.


This approach isnt for everyone but some may find it helpful. Would it be of any interest as a future enhancement to this addon?


I am missing something obvious again. How can I set a mount point based on the slot. I cannot see any mount point options at all?

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NAS, the mount point is only a suggestion. In fact, the order is: user mount point, label or id.


One can always change the mount point if they wishes.

I currently use UDEV via my ownsetup to mount disks via a USB3 stage rack.


What I do differently I think is that the mount point and share is based on the cradle slot and not the disk id e.g. /mnt/usbslot1 and /mnt/usbslot2


For me this is very useful because I dont care so much for disk id based mount point and shares as all I want to know if i put a disk in slot 1 it mounts as slot 1.


The tricky part is finding the udev string match to make sure this happens.


This approach isnt for everyone but some may find it helpful. Would it be of any interest as a future enhancement to this addon?


I am missing something obvious again. How can I set a mount point based on the slot. I cannot see any mount point options at all?

I couldn't figure it out at first either cause I was using my phone. But if you click on the drive or maybe after you click on the drive then click. But there's a video in the first post.

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I have this plugin installed on v6.01, but I get no UI for it, even when clicking on the plugin.  I've rebooted a couple times, and tried installing RCs, moving back to stable, and removing and reinstalling the plugin.  Any thoughts?  I've also tested multiple browsers, cleared cache, etc.


I'm running 6.1 and was still having issues (I know the plugin doesn't support 6.1 properly), but others seemed to have it running.  I was able to fix it by uninstalling the plugin, and then deleting the folder /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices  - I then rebooted (probably unnecessary), and reinstalled the plugin.  The UI for the plugin now works. 


Hope this helps someone else.

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I have this plugin installed on v6.01, but I get no UI for it, even when clicking on the plugin.  I've rebooted a couple times, and tried installing RCs, moving back to stable, and removing and reinstalling the plugin.  Any thoughts?  I've also tested multiple browsers, cleared cache, etc.


I'm running 6.1 and was still having issues (I know the plugin doesn't support 6.1 properly), but others seemed to have it running.  I was able to fix it by uninstalling the plugin, and then deleting the folder /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices  - I then rebooted (probably unnecessary), and reinstalled the plugin.  The UI for the plugin now works. 


Hope this helps someone else.


The UI is not fully functional on the 6.1 release.  The UI might show up and show devices, but the UI mount, unmount, rescan, etc do not work.  The /usr/local/sbin/unassigned_mount and /usr/local/sbin/unassigned_umount scripts might work, but I have not tried them.


I made modifications to the plugin for 6.1 for my own use and have the modified commands security scheme working properly in the plugin.  I am waiting for gfjardim to come back and I'll offer my work to him if he wants it.

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I have been in touch with gfjardim and he will be looking at my pull request to update the unassigned devices plugin for the 6.1 final release.


I understand your frustration that the plugins sometimes don't keep up with the LT releases, but the value added by the plugin developers is worth the few times when there is a delay in updates.  The update to 6.1 final by LT includes a lot of security updates that are well worth the minor headaches from plugins not being compatible until updated.


I have it working on 6.1 final and will work with gfjardim to get it ready for an update.  It really won't take him long depending on how he wants to handle backwards compatibility to 6.0.1.  What I have done will not work on 6.0.1 as it stands.


I am not comfortable forking off a copy of his work and offering it with my modifications.  I don't have the time to support and maintain it.  I'm more than happy to work with gfjardim if he is pressed for time to devote to the unassigned devices plugin.

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I have been in touch with gfjardim and he will be looking at my pull request to update the unassigned devices plugin for the 6.1 final release.


I understand your frustration that the plugins sometimes don't keep up with the LT releases, but the value added by the plugin developers is worth the few times when there is a delay in updates.  The update to 6.1 final by LT includes a lot of security updates that are well worth the minor headaches from plugins not being compatible until updated.


I have it working on 6.1 final and will work with gfjardim to get it ready for an update.  It really won't take him long depending on how he wants to handle backwards compatibility to 6.0.1.  What I have done will not work on 6.0.1 as it stands.


I am not comfortable forking off a copy of his work and offering it with my modifications.  I don't have the time to support and maintain it.  I'm more than happy to work with gfjardim if he is pressed for time to devote to the unassigned devices plugin.


I'm not sweating it, I just don't get LT's logic for what they are choosing to bake in, to me this should be already be a feature especially now that they're pushing VMs, here's a perfectly good solution, why not just make it included and supported, especially if these drives count for licensing.

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An update just appeared for this plugin that works with 6.1 - I've mounted and unmounted a drive a couple times, seems to be working properly for me (it's my boot drive - vmdk - for unRAID under ESXi).  I'm remote so I can't check anything physical at the moment. 


Posting this as some people rarely visit their unRAID webui, and may be getting notifications from this thread.  Thanks a lot gfjardim!

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I really wish LT would just bake this functionality in

Especially since the licensing change that counts all connected devices instead of just array devices. I expected them to manage the devices since they are charged against the license limit.


Wow, is that true?

Yes - for all licenses except Pro even devices not managed by unRAID are counted against the license limits.  However since the limits for each license have been significantly increased in practise this has little impact.
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The problem with integrating something like this into unRAID is that if the Filesystem driver used destroys the Filesystem on the unassigned device novice users will blame unRAID.  Perhaps read only would work with these devices and an option (unsupported, use at your own risk) for write would work?

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I've updated to the latest "Unassigned Devices", then upgraded to Unraid 6.1.


I had one SSD and one SMB share  configured.


Since the update, it seems there is an issue with the SMB mount, as you can see on the screenshot:


While it appears online, I can't actually access the content in the share, you can also note that sizes are all at 0, which was not the case before

There is also a PHP error message mixed in the header:

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 28


I can declare a new SMB, but it fails mounting.

Trying to change the path associated to the share, I get another PHP error:

Warning: require_once(/update.htm): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 337

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/update.htm' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php on line 337

If you have any suggestion or want me to run some tests, let know.



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I've been following this thread very closely, and I know there was work on it by dlandon, but I don't see anywhere that says there was a new release updated for 6.1 except for a couple of users who said they got an update, but those posts were unclear about the official status.


Since I uninstalled this plugin when I upgraded to 6.1, I also did not get any notification that it was updated. Nothing new in the first post of the thread either.


So do the bugs mean that it shouldn't be moved to 6.1 compliant? Do the bugs mean it no longer works on 6.0?


Not intending to sound impatient here, just would like some official statement.

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