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[support] Bungy's docker repository

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Using PIA with NZBGet after upgrading to 6.2.4 and it cannot resolve the VPN address. Other dockers with this PIA VPN are working. Anyone else seeing this?


2016-11-07 10:04:20,423 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Nov 7 10:04:20 2016 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us-east.privateinternetaccess.com: Name or service not known


This was an issue with experimental branch, but the master branch should be ok. Can you make sure you're on the newest image?


If you're on the newest image, can you post the rest of your configuration so I can replicate? You can leave out the username/password.


FWIW, I had a similar issue but it could've just been the VPN_Protocol env variable was missing.  I think binhex defaults to nl.privateinternetaccess.com with his vpn dockers so I just switched to it with nzbgetvpn as well.


That's a good point. It could be that the VPN_PROTOCL env was not configured and was causing the issue. I'm using the same baseimage as binhex's deluge and sabnzbd dockers now, so the configuration for openvpn in my docker should be exactly the same as those dockers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a problem with the config.php in the owncloud docker.

my command line skills are not so good to say the least.

when I change the config.php it changes permission and owncloud will not work.

I am change the file threw samba file share.


Make sure that the file has the permissions 0640 and is owned by uid:guid 33:65534. To set those permissions, use the following command:


chmod 0640 config.php
chown 33:65534 config.php


After you set those permissions, it's likely that you cannot edit the file through samba anymore. Instead, use nano to edit the file:

nano config.php


Nano is built into unraid and is a very easy to use terminal-based text editor. It may be useful to google a quick nano tutorial. It's easy to use, but isn't straight forward your first time using it.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm trying to install owncloud. As soon as I set a different DB, I recieve:


[authz_core:error] [pid 21] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/data/htaccesstest.txt


I tried to copy the .htaccess and rename it into htaccesstest.txt - well the installation doesnt even start then.

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Migrating mysql dockers may be difficult as linuxserver likely uses a different directory structure. Your best bet is to use mysqldump to dump the sql tables and then import them back into the new docker.


Also, just FYI, it's actually the official mysql docker. I'm not the author of the container.

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Migrating mysql dockers may be difficult as linuxserver likely uses a different directory structure. Your best bet is to use mysqldump to dump the sql tables and then import them back into the new docker.


Also, just FYI, it's actually the official mysql docker. I'm not the author of the container.


I saw it was "official" :-)  That is what attracted me. I might just start fresh. It is for tt-rss server.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using the nzbgetvpn docker for some time now and it's working fine, except for one issue. I use NZBHydra for aggregating indexers, and when I send a link from here to NZBGet to download, it fails because it can't get to this URL on my local network,  it's looking for something like, it will sit and try to fetch this for a while and then fail. I assume this is because it is trying to go out the VPN to get to this URL, which it should not do. I have the LAN_Network variable set to


Anyway to configure it to not use the VPN for local addresses?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but the openhab docker is deprecated now. I haven't pushed an update to it in a LONG time as I've switched to home-assistant for my home automation needs. I find it to be a much easier platform to configure and develop on.


If you're set on using openhab, your best bet is to use the official openhab docker found here (https://hub.docker.com/r/openhab/openhab/). There isn't an unraid template for it, but I'm sure one can be created with little effort.

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If you really don't want people to use the template, then it should get deleted from the repository...

Did you read the moderator comments? It explicitly states the container is deprecated.


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

dockerPolice is telling you what you need to do to keep your deprecated docker from appearing in Community Applications.
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  • 2 weeks later...

NZBGet v 18.0 is out now with a ton of new features/optimizations, especially for those of us with a high core/thread count. 


Can we get an update to the Nzbgetvpn container with the latest NZBGet?

Already done. You should just need to update your container and all will work.


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk



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Can I use the postgresql docker with tt-rss?

It depends which container you're using. I don't believe you can if you're using Linuxserver's container. They generally design their containers to be single container deployments. You can use external databases when using Clue's container. Check here for documentation: https://github.com/clue/docker-ttrss

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bungy, appreciate the work you've done in combining peanut butter and chocolate here.  I'm close, but just hitting a slight wall..


Q1:  I've set up a container using PIA and nzbget won't start.  Using debug, output is all golden until the end:

2017-03-06 11:13:20,839 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:

[info] nzbget daemon not running, marking as first run


2017-03-06 11:13:21,857 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:

[info] All checks complete, starting nzbget...


It just hangs there.  Any suggestions?   I've copied a fully-working nzbget.conf file over from my prior, vpn-free container, to no avail. 


Q2:  the PIA config on docker hub gets rid of port 6789 and adds mysterious ports 8112 and 8118 -- what are those ports?  I see that in 'start-script' that iptables are added to accommodate 6789....  More info, please?


Additional Comment:  I suspect script kiddies are going to trip on VPN-DEVICE_TYPE=<tun|tap> in the PIA config and not realize they have to edit that line and choose one.  Furthermore, they won't know which to choose.  Not that I would know this from my own tripping.... :)


Thanks much!

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  • 5 weeks later...

WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible


I get the above error (the only error)  in the log when trying to run nzbgetvpn, 

This site can’t be reached when i try to access the gui.

If i set to "no" in " Container Variable: VPN_ENABLED " I can access the gui and this docker works fine.


Any help appreciated, let me know if more info needed.

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