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Dead Docker - Can It be saved? (SOLVED)


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Docker stopped running and Docker tab dissappeared. After messing about increasing the size of the docker let the service start.


Sadly only 1 out of 6 images/apps now appear on the Docker page. What does this mean?


root@Tower:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           128M  2.2M  126M   2% /var/log
/dev/sda1       1.9G  347M  1.6G  19% /boot
/dev/md1        1.9T  1.8T  118G  94% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md2        1.9T  1.7T  123G  94% /mnt/disk2
/dev/md3        1.9T  1.7T  129G  94% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md4        1.9T  1.8T  122G  94% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md5        1.9T  1.7T  124G  94% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md6        1.9T  1.6T  253G  87% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md7        3.7T  1.7T  2.1T  45% /mnt/disk7
/dev/md8        1.9T  1.6T  257G  87% /mnt/disk8
/dev/md9        1.9T  1.6T  253G  87% /mnt/disk9
/dev/sdd1       699G   41G  658G   6% /mnt/cache
shfs             19T   15T  3.4T  82% /mnt/user0
shfs             19T   15T  4.1T  79% /mnt/user
/dev/loop0       20G  8.6G   10G  47% /var/lib/docker


root@Tower:~# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
needo/sabnzbd       latest              29e60047211d        7 weeks ago         473.3 MB
needo/plex          latest              a096ab881126        7 weeks ago         584.5 MB
needo/couchpotato   latest              840e64c45261        3 months ago        333.3 MB
shane/apache-php    v2                  c8485f8255ee        4 months ago        253.8 MB
<none>              <none>              92ce5fbfb73f        4 months ago        703.9 MB
tutum/apache-php    latest              7e6d00854917        5 months ago        253.8 MB
needo/mariadb       latest              566c91aa7b1e        9 months ago        590.6 MB
needo/sickbeard     latest              cbe714aa54d9        9 months ago        526.1 MB


Only the Plex docker appears in the WebGui Docker list.


I ran Scrub on the image and it has 0 errors:


scrub device /dev/loop0 (id 1) done
scrub started at Tue Apr 21 16:25:06 2015 and finished after 151 seconds
data_extents_scrubbed: 256194
tree_extents_scrubbed: 32412
data_bytes_scrubbed: 8561610752
tree_bytes_scrubbed: 531038208
read_errors: 0
csum_errors: 0
verify_errors: 0
no_csum: 256
csum_discards: 141934
super_errors: 0
malloc_errors: 0
uncorrectable_errors: 0
unverified_errors: 0
corrected_errors: 0
last_physical: 11811160064


Anyway to fix this?


unRaid 6B15

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I didn't remove anything - the whole thing stopped working overnight. Just been trying to figure out how to get it back again.


Adding a container back from the my Template list works to a point, but I can't start any of them. They all fail to start. I.e:


time="2015-04-21T17:21:08-07:00" level="fatal" msg="Error response from daemon: No such container: MariaDB"


MariaDB was the original name.

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So managed to resolve this.


1. Removed orphaned images from list

2. Stopped and restarted Docker.

3. Re-added image from the my-template section

4. Changed the name of the image to match the original container name. By default the names matched except for case. Not changing this just resulted in an error when Docker tried to start the container.



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I am having a similar problem with my dockers installing as orphan images. I recently had to clear out my docker.img, which resulted in having to reinstall my dockers. SABnzbd and CouchPotato installed perfectly fine. However, SickBeard and Plex are resulting in orphan images every time I try and reinstall them. Nothing I have tried has resolved this. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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I am having a similar problem with my dockers installing as orphan images. I recently had to clear out my docker.img, which resulted in having to reinstall my dockers. SABnzbd and CouchPotato installed perfectly fine. However, SickBeard and Plex are resulting in orphan images every time I try and reinstall them. Nothing I have tried has resolved this. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Generally it's best to start your own thread.  Have you read the link posted above and checked that doesn't apply to you?

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I am having a similar problem with my dockers installing as orphan images. I recently had to clear out my docker.img, which resulted in having to reinstall my dockers. SABnzbd and CouchPotato installed perfectly fine. However, SickBeard and Plex are resulting in orphan images every time I try and reinstall them. Nothing I have tried has resolved this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Check for plugin updates


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