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[SOLVED] Disable disk export

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I recently added a new data drive - well, it's not new, it's my old parity drive from where I upgraded the size of that disk. When I access my unraid shares in windows, as well as my user shares I see the new disk listed as "disk4". None of my other disks are listed in this way...would someone be so kind as to tell me how to disable this behaviour please? I thought it was by clicking on the disk name in the web gui but this only gives me a spin down delay option.



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Boot in SAFE mode

Sounds perfectly logical, but I can't find any info about how to do this - nor is there an option in the webgui to reboot to safe mode. Is this something that I need to do from command line or is it maybe something controlled at bios level? Could you give me more info please?


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Boot in SAFE mode

Sounds perfectly logical, but I can't find any info about how to do this - nor is there an option in the webgui to reboot to safe mode. Is this something that I need to do from command line or is it maybe something controlled at bios level? Could you give me more info please?


This is an option on the boot menu.


If you have keyboard and monitor attached to the unRAID server then it is a selection from the boot menu that you can select at that point.  If you do nothing the default option is taken after timeout expires.


If you do not have a keyboard+monitor attached then you can edit the syslinux/syslinux.cfg file on the USB drive that controls the boot menu and move the 'default' entry to the one for Safe Boot.    Note that you need to make sure you use and editor that understands Linux style end-of-line characters.

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Brilliant thanks. There isn't a monitor hooked up but there's one nearby. This sounds like the simplest option so I'll give this a go over the weekend and report back to either mark the thread as solved or to ask further questions.


Thanks to all for the help so far.

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  • 5 months later...

Better late than never, but thanks with the help on this one...I finally got it sorted. Just one week after my previous post we bought a new house and the renovations have taken close to every waking hour up to now!! Thanks again for the help and support and apologies for taking so long to come back and say "thanks, your advice worked" !!!

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