Parity Check from Terminal?

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Trying to diagnose some hardware issues - starting with NO internet (aka no webgui).  So I need a couple tools/techniques.


1. Is there a command that can display the progress of a parity check?

2. Is there a script that copies the syslog to the boot folder whenever it changes?


Found this command


/root/mdcmd status


LOTS of information.  Which info out of this command would be appropriate to understand the progress of a parity check?


mdResync? mdState?  sbSync?  something else?


If I do this: /root/mdcmd status | egrep "mdResync|mdState|sbSync"


I get this:











Is there anything that would give a percent complete?  mdResync/mdResyncPos?  Any way I could put that in division in a script and format it?  Or is there a better, already done script I could download?

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My reply is OT but I just wanted to tell you about the link that appears in every post that says "Report to moderator". I used that to report your other thread about this that you wanted the mods to delete because you had posted in the wrong subforum. You can use that link in the future to report your own post.

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Trying to diagnose some hardware issues - starting with NO internet (aka no webgui).  So I need a couple tools/techniques.


1. Is there a command that can display the progress of a parity check?

2. Is there a script that copies the syslog to the boot folder whenever it changes?


Found this command


/root/mdcmd status


LOTS of information.  Which info out of this command would be appropriate to understand the progress of a parity check?


mdResync? mdState?  sbSync?  something else?


If I do this: /root/mdcmd status | egrep "mdResync|mdState|sbSync"


I get this:











Is there anything that would give a percent complete?  mdResync/mdResyncPos?  Any way I could put that in division in a script and format it?  Or is there a better, already done script I could download?

Sticking with bash, you could do:

A=$(/root/mdcmd status | egrep mdResyncPos= | sed -r 's/mdResyncPos=(\w+)/\1/')
B=$(/root/mdcmd status | egrep mdResync= | sed -r 's/mdResync=(\w+)/\1/')
RESULT=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",${A}/${B}*100}")
echo $RESULT

Its not pretty but it works  (bash doesn't support floating point, so the division winds up being done in awk)

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  • 11 months later...

I was running a parity sync and had an issue with one of my off-line drives which caused the web gui to stop responding.  I found this post helpful in confirming that the parity check was still running.  Thank you all.  I anticipated not being able to access the gui for the duration of the sync, so I took the details from this thread and produced a bash script that replicates the information provided in the web gui:



status=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdState=//p')
size=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResync=//p')
pos=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncPos=//p')
dt=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDt=//p')
db=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDb=//p')

gbsize=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.0f\",$size * 1024 / 1000^3}")
gbpos=$(awk "BEGIN{  printf \"%.0f\",$pos * 1024 / 1000^3}")
progress=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.1f\",($pos / $size) * 100}")
speed=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.1f\",($db/$dt) * 1024 / 1000^2}")

finish=$(awk "BEGIN{ m=(($dt*(($size-$pos)/($db/100+1)))/100)/60 
                     print int(m/60) \"h \" int(m%60) \"m\"

echo "Status:   $status"
echo "Progress: $gbpos GB of $gbsize GB (${progress}%)"
echo "Speed:    $speed MB/sec"
echo "Finish:   $finish"


You can create this from the console using nano or vi.  I saved as /boot/syncstatus, and made executable with `chmod +x /boot/syncstatus`


If you run this once it will output the current status:


Status:   STARTED
Progress: 1101 GB of 4001 GB (27.5%)
Speed:    138.3 MB/sec
Finish:   5h 49m


If you want the information to continually update then you can use the `watch` command:


watch /boot/syncstatus


This will print the sync information and refresh the information every 2 seconds.  You can change the polling period using the -n option (`watch -n 10 /boot/syncstatus` for every 10 seconds).

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  • 3 years later...
On 5/10/2016 at 11:26 PM, jgc said:

I was running a parity sync and had an issue with one of my off-line drives which caused the web gui to stop responding.  I found this post helpful in confirming that the parity check was still running.  Thank you all.  I anticipated not being able to access the gui for the duration of the sync, so I took the details from this thread and produced a bash script that replicates the information provided in the web gui:




status=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdState=//p')
size=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResync=//p')
pos=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncPos=//p')
dt=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDt=//p')
db=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDb=//p')

gbsize=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.0f\",$size * 1024 / 1000^3}")
gbpos=$(awk "BEGIN{  printf \"%.0f\",$pos * 1024 / 1000^3}")
progress=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.1f\",($pos / $size) * 100}")
speed=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.1f\",($db/$dt) * 1024 / 1000^2}")

finish=$(awk "BEGIN{ m=(($dt*(($size-$pos)/($db/100+1)))/100)/60 
                     print int(m/60) \"h \" int(m%60) \"m\"

echo "Status:   $status"
echo "Progress: $gbpos GB of $gbsize GB (${progress}%)"
echo "Speed:    $speed MB/sec"
echo "Finish:   $finish"



You can create this from the console using nano or vi.  I saved as /boot/syncstatus, and made executable with `chmod +x /boot/syncstatus`


If you run this once it will output the current status:



Status:   STARTED
Progress: 1101 GB of 4001 GB (27.5%)
Speed:    138.3 MB/sec
Finish:   5h 49m



If you want the information to continually update then you can use the `watch` command:



watch /boot/syncstatus



This will print the sync information and refresh the information every 2 seconds.  You can change the polling period using the -n option (`watch -n 10 /boot/syncstatus` for every 10 seconds).

Thank you very much for this!  I'm in similar situation as OP and no programming experience but with your post I was able to run your script and see parity sync status from the console.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 years later...

I took the above script as a starting point, added a few things that made its use more useful to me. Disclaimer: I'm no BASH god, and I'm sure it can be improved upon, but for me it does the trick. There are some use remarks in the comments at the top of the script.



# It takes a number of seconds as an argument. That controls how often the script updates. 
# To run the script save it to /tmp and set it to execute (chmod +x scriptname)
# then do # "/tmp/syncscript xx" where xx is the refresh time in seconds (without the quotes ;-) 
# You can leave this script running while pausing and resuming the parity check from the GUI Main page without issue. :-)
# To stop the script Press [CTRL+C]
# This script will display like this:
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Running
#   Speed:            119.9 MB/sec
#   Progress:         1 GB of 12000 GB
#   # (0.0%)
#   Completing in:    27h 48m
#   On approximately: Sat Sep 16 18:38:31 PDT 2023
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    0  
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Paused
#   Speed:            0 MB/sec
#   Progress:         13 GB of 0 GB
#   # (0%)
#   Completing in:    N/A
#   On approximately: N/A
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    9 
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Not Running
#   Speed:            0 MB/sec
#   Progress:         0 GB of 0 GB
#   # (0%)
#   Completing in:    N/A
#   On approximately: N/A
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    6  

# Check to see the argument is provided. Otherwise exit with helpful message.
if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo " To run this script please supply a refresh time in x seconds, like: #  /tmp/syncstatus x"
    exit 0

# Define Colored text for use in countdown
NC='\033[0m' # No Color

# Main loop of script
while true

# Set refresh to the arguments value plus 1 (necessary for the countdown)

# clear the screen and display the script at the top of the window (one row down for readability)  
tput clear
tput cup 1 0

# grab various datapoints from the output of mdcmd status command
status=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdState=//p' )
size=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResync=//p' )
pos=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncPos=//p' )
dt=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDt=//p' )
db=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDb=//p' )

# calculating sizes and data processed
gbsize=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.0f\", $size * 1024 / 1000^3}" )
gbpos=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.0f\", $pos * 1024 / 1000^3}" )

# error checking for stopped, paused, ...
if [ $size == 0 ]
    progress=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.1f\", ($pos / $size) * 100}" )

# checking for 0 speed. Indicating stopped or paused
if [ $dt == 0 ]
speed=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.1f\", ($db / $dt) * 1024 / 1000^2}" )

# if there is a speed value greater than 0, then the check is running and we report the amount of time left 
if [ $speed == 0 ]
# since it is running we can calculate and display the projected end date    
finish=$(awk "BEGIN{ m=(($dt*(($size-$pos)/($db/100+1)))/100)/60
     print int(m/60) \"h \" int(m%60) \"m\"

# check to see if Parity check is paused, stopped or running 
if [[ $gbpos -gt "0" ]] && [[ $gbsize == 0 ]]
elif [ $size == 0 ]
    parityCheck="Not Running"

# Begin outputting info
echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop."
echo "Array Status:     $status"
echo "Parity Check:     $parityCheck"
echo "Speed:            $speed MB/sec"
echo "Progress:         $gbpos GB of $gbsize GB"

# round progress to nearest whole number for progress bar display
progressRounded=$(printf %.0f $progress)

# calc progress bar and display %age completed
for i in $(eval echo "{0..$progressRounded}")
echo -n "#"
echo " (${progress}%)"
echo "Completing in:    $finish"

# account for stopped or paused processs
if [[ $parityCheck="Running" ]]
    # calc end date
    # Extract hours and minutes
    hours=$(echo "$finish" | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/h//')
    minutes=$(echo "$finish" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/m//')
    # Convert to seconds
    if [[ -n "$hours" ]] && [[ -n "$minutes" ]]
    seconds_left=$((hours*3600 + minutes*60))
    endDate=$(date -d "now + $seconds_left seconds")
    echo "On approximately: $endDate"


# Parse all mdcmd status data and summing all rdevNumErrors values
input_string=$(mdcmd status)
 # Use grep to filter lines starting with rdevNumErrors
 rdev_errors=$(echo "$input_string" | grep -Eo 'rdevNumErrors\.[0-9]+=[0-9]+' | awk -F= '{sum+=$2} END{print sum}')
 # Print the total value
 echo "Total Errors:     $rdev_errors"

# Countdown display count displays in red from 5 to 0 before refresh
while [ $refresh -gt 0 ]
if [ $refresh -le 5 ]
printf "  Refreshing in   ${RED}$refresh${NC} " 
printf "\r"
sleep 1
printf "  Refreshing in   $refresh " 
printf "\r"
sleep 1
done # end of countdown while

done # end of 'whole script' while


I hope others find it useful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/16/2023 at 12:20 AM, blender50 said:

I took the above script as a starting point, added a few things that made its use more useful to me. Disclaimer: I'm no BASH god, and I'm sure it can be improved upon, but for me it does the trick. There are some use remarks in the comments at the top of the script.



# It takes a number of seconds as an argument. That controls how often the script updates. 
# To run the script save it to /tmp and set it to execute (chmod +x scriptname)
# then do # "/tmp/syncscript xx" where xx is the refresh time in seconds (without the quotes ;-) 
# You can leave this script running while pausing and resuming the parity check from the GUI Main page without issue. :-)
# To stop the script Press [CTRL+C]
# This script will display like this:
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Running
#   Speed:            119.9 MB/sec
#   Progress:         1 GB of 12000 GB
#   # (0.0%)
#   Completing in:    27h 48m
#   On approximately: Sat Sep 16 18:38:31 PDT 2023
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    0  
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Paused
#   Speed:            0 MB/sec
#   Progress:         13 GB of 0 GB
#   # (0%)
#   Completing in:    N/A
#   On approximately: N/A
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    9 
#   Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
#   Array Status:     STARTED
#   Parity Check:     Not Running
#   Speed:            0 MB/sec
#   Progress:         0 GB of 0 GB
#   # (0%)
#   Completing in:    N/A
#   On approximately: N/A
#   Total Errors:     0
#    Refreshing in    6  

# Check to see the argument is provided. Otherwise exit with helpful message.
if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo " To run this script please supply a refresh time in x seconds, like: #  /tmp/syncstatus x"
    exit 0

# Define Colored text for use in countdown
NC='\033[0m' # No Color

# Main loop of script
while true

# Set refresh to the arguments value plus 1 (necessary for the countdown)

# clear the screen and display the script at the top of the window (one row down for readability)  
tput clear
tput cup 1 0

# grab various datapoints from the output of mdcmd status command
status=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdState=//p' )
size=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResync=//p' )
pos=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncPos=//p' )
dt=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDt=//p' )
db=$(mdcmd status | sed -n 's/mdResyncDb=//p' )

# calculating sizes and data processed
gbsize=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.0f\", $size * 1024 / 1000^3}" )
gbpos=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.0f\", $pos * 1024 / 1000^3}" )

# error checking for stopped, paused, ...
if [ $size == 0 ]
    progress=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.1f\", ($pos / $size) * 100}" )

# checking for 0 speed. Indicating stopped or paused
if [ $dt == 0 ]
speed=$(awk "BEGIN{printf \"%.1f\", ($db / $dt) * 1024 / 1000^2}" )

# if there is a speed value greater than 0, then the check is running and we report the amount of time left 
if [ $speed == 0 ]
# since it is running we can calculate and display the projected end date    
finish=$(awk "BEGIN{ m=(($dt*(($size-$pos)/($db/100+1)))/100)/60
     print int(m/60) \"h \" int(m%60) \"m\"

# check to see if Parity check is paused, stopped or running 
if [[ $gbpos -gt "0" ]] && [[ $gbsize == 0 ]]
elif [ $size == 0 ]
    parityCheck="Not Running"

# Begin outputting info
echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop."
echo "Array Status:     $status"
echo "Parity Check:     $parityCheck"
echo "Speed:            $speed MB/sec"
echo "Progress:         $gbpos GB of $gbsize GB"

# round progress to nearest whole number for progress bar display
progressRounded=$(printf %.0f $progress)

# calc progress bar and display %age completed
for i in $(eval echo "{0..$progressRounded}")
echo -n "#"
echo " (${progress}%)"
echo "Completing in:    $finish"

# account for stopped or paused processs
if [[ $parityCheck="Running" ]]
    # calc end date
    # Extract hours and minutes
    hours=$(echo "$finish" | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/h//')
    minutes=$(echo "$finish" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/m//')
    # Convert to seconds
    if [[ -n "$hours" ]] && [[ -n "$minutes" ]]
    seconds_left=$((hours*3600 + minutes*60))
    endDate=$(date -d "now + $seconds_left seconds")
    echo "On approximately: $endDate"


# Parse all mdcmd status data and summing all rdevNumErrors values
input_string=$(mdcmd status)
 # Use grep to filter lines starting with rdevNumErrors
 rdev_errors=$(echo "$input_string" | grep -Eo 'rdevNumErrors\.[0-9]+=[0-9]+' | awk -F= '{sum+=$2} END{print sum}')
 # Print the total value
 echo "Total Errors:     $rdev_errors"

# Countdown display count displays in red from 5 to 0 before refresh
while [ $refresh -gt 0 ]
if [ $refresh -le 5 ]
printf "  Refreshing in   ${RED}$refresh${NC} " 
printf "\r"
sleep 1
printf "  Refreshing in   $refresh " 
printf "\r"
sleep 1
done # end of countdown while

done # end of 'whole script' while


I hope others find it useful.


thank you!

My GUI stopped responding after starting the array when i replaced the parity disk (14tb) for a new 18tb disk i had no idea what the server was doing.. 

i selected the 14TB disk as a replacement for a old 4tb disk, i can't format it right now as the gui stopped responding and i had no idea how long it would take..


Now i see this, i think i will have to wait for it to complete... but at least now i know what is happening!

parity check.jpg

Edited by furian
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/7/2023 at 11:30 AM, furian said:


thank you!

My GUI stopped responding after starting the array when i replaced the parity disk (14tb) for a new 18tb disk i had no idea what the server was doing.. 

i selected the 14TB disk as a replacement for a old 4tb disk, i can't format it right now as the gui stopped responding and i had no idea how long it would take..


Now i see this, i think i will have to wait for it to complete... but at least now i know what is happening!

parity check.jpg


Same exact thing is happening to me right now. GUI stopped responding/refusing to connect when replacing 14TB parity disk for a new 18TB disk.


What ended up happening with yours? Did the GUI eventually come back after completion?

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  • 4 months later...

Is there a way to pause parity check from commandline?


My GUI is unreponsive, but I was able to get a command window to open.


I can't access any GUI pages, so I cannot install the parity tuning plugin.

I've ran the script @blender50 posted, so I know parity is running:


Array Status:     STARTED
Parity Check:     Running
Speed:            225.5 MB/sec
Progress:         3018 GB of 18000 GB
################## (16.8%)
Completing in:    18h 27m
On approximately: Mon Apr 15 09:09:21 EDT 2024
Total Errors:     0


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