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[FEATURE REQUEST] - Personal notes section in webui


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Can we have a section (maybe on the Tools tab) where we can add personal notes?


I would use this to keep track of the ports my containers use and that information would live with the server and easily accessible.  Otherwise, I am storing it in a TXT file and saving it on my flash drive or on a share.


I'm sure that there is other info that could be stored here also.



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Cool plugin. Plugins should be categorized in one place because there are so many and you simply can't stay on track what's new...


It is a very cool plugin.


My personal preference...


I really want to avoid plugins whenever I can.  While the plugin devs and the community are very good at providing support, I have made that decision that I want to limit anything that touches the core OS to be supplied/supported by LT.


Hopefully more functionality that is provided by plugins will be rolled into the core, much like Dynamix, apcupsd and others have been.


Again, no knock on the plugin devs...just not my thing.  :)



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Cool plugin. Plugins should be categorized in one place because there are so many and you simply can't stay on track what's new...


It is a very cool plugin.


My personal preference...


I really want to avoid plugins whenever I can.  While the plugin devs and the community are very good at providing support, I have made that decision that I want to limit anything that touches the core OS to be supplied/supported by LT.


Hopefully more functionality that is provided by plugins will be rolled into the core, much like Dynamix, apcupsd and others have been.


Again, no knock on the plugin devs...just not my thing.  :)



Yes, I know what you mean. I also don't use any of them for the same reason and wouldn't mind if the tab "Plugins" could be hidden and the update button for OS moved somewhere else. ;)

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Cool plugin. Plugins should be categorized in one place because there are so many and you simply can't stay on track what's new...


It is a very cool plugin.


My personal preference...


I really want to avoid plugins whenever I can.  While the plugin devs and the community are very good at providing support, I have made that decision that I want to limit anything that touches the core OS to be supplied/supported by LT.


Hopefully more functionality that is provided by plugins will be rolled into the core, much like Dynamix, apcupsd and others have been.


Again, no knock on the plugin devs...just not my thing.  :)



Yes, I know what you mean. I also don't use any of them for the same reason and wouldn't mind if the tab "Plugins" could be hidden and the update button for OS moved somewhere else. ;)


I am using the 4 plugins that add functionality to dynamix. These are not actually running any processes just adding some php/xml changes to add functionality to core dynamix. I do agree however that any processes that are run should be within docker/vm.

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Now I change the license.txt file on the root of my flash drive and put my notes in there. I can then view them by clicking on the Tools -> EULA button. It works fine for now.



Damn good idea!  Thanks for sharing.





I was debating whether to post this because I wasn't sure how it would be taken but then thought sod it. Why not. Please remember that this is VERY basic BUT serves my needs. I might take it further ....


**Standard Disclaimer: I take absolutely no responsibility to how you choose to use or consequences of use of what I have posted below**




- Apache web server (running on either unRAID or wherever) with a basic PHP install


I myself run this from the Apache Plugin by dmacias located here: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.0


- The files generated from the code sections below




What I have done is create a web page which loads my unRAID page within an iFrame. At the top of the page I have added links to popular sites I go to while I am using unRAID. Such as the forums, wiki etc. The page opens these links in new tabs.


What I have also done is create a basic php file editor page which opens up in a pop-up which I have sized to my liking. This popup has a Submit and reset button and it basically:


- loads the contents of the pre defined text file into a text area;

- allows me to edit it

- allows me to submit changes

- allows me to revert back to un saved contents of the file


Thats it really.



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

	<title>Unraid Main</title>

    html, body {
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                height: 100%;

            div, iframe {
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                border: 0;

            .iframe-container {
                position: absolute;
                top: 20px;
                bottom: 0;
                width: 100%;
                background: #555;
                overflow-y: hidden;

            .iframe-container iframe {
                position: absolute;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;


	<a href="http://lime-technology.com" target="_blank">Lime Technology</a> 
	<a href="http://lime-technology.com/forum/" target="_blank">Unraid Forum</a> 
	<a href="https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/UnRAID_Wiki" target="_blank">Unraid Wiki</a> 
	<a href="http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?board=1.0" target="_blank">Announcments</a> 
	<a href="javascript:window.open('notes.php','unRaid Main Notes','width=800,height=1000')">Notes</a>

        <div class="iframe-container">

                <iframe src="http://main" frameborder="0">/iframe>







// configuration
$url = 'http://main:8088/notes.php';
$file = '/mnt/disks/app/plugins/apache/html/www/main_notes.txt';

// check if form has been submitted
if (isset($_POST['text']))
    // save the text contents
    file_put_contents($file, $_POST['text']);

    // redirect to form again
    header(sprintf('Location: %s', $url));
    printf('<a href="%s">Moved</a>.', htmlspecialchars($url));

// read the textfile
$text = file_get_contents($file);


<!-- HTML form -->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

	<title>Unraid Main Notes</title>





	<form action="" method="post">

		<textarea name="text" cols="2" rows="55"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($text) ?></textarea>
		<input type="submit" />
		<input type="reset" />




<!-- End of HTML form -->


Create these files on your web server and go to the link. In my case I put them in the root and the web server is running on port 8088 so I go to:




I don't have to worry about security or anything because this web server is not open to the web. Remember also to create a text file in the same dir as these files as the notes.php form needs it.



Screenshot showing links on top of the Unraid Main Page and Unraid GUI loaded in the iFrame:




Screenshot showing popup with notes loaded from txt file once 'Notes" link is clicked:




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