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Persistent folders on cache


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Hello all,


This is not so much of an issue but more of a howto query which I was hoping someone might be able to quickly answer.


In relation to the mover script and my cache drive, there are some folders which I would like to keep on my cache drive. I have read there seem to be a method in the past that by adding a leading . in-front of the folder that the folder would be skipped, some users pointed out that on a mac this not effective as a MAC will ignore that folder as it's hidden. The following suggestions were to modify the mover script to include _ or some other special character. However when I look at my mover script to implement this I see it's quite different to what was suggested in the 2008 post






So is there a new answer for unraid v6 ? What do I do to achieve this or am I missing something here. I did try and RTFM but I don't want to break my unraid :-)


Any help will be appreciated.



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