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Start docker template via command line

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Is it possible to start a docker container based on an .xml template via the command line?


I'm aware of 'docker run <docker image> -v <volumes> etc...'

However, all of the these run arguments are stored in xml files in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user


I know the docker plugin uses these, but I only have ssh access when I'm away from my local network, so I have no GUI access to start them.


So basically i'm looking for something along the lines of: 'docker_plugin run <my-container-template.xml>'

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Well, I made a bash script that parses xml template files and executes 'docker run -d' with the appropriate arguments populated from the template file.


The script takes one argument: The path to the .xml template file.

./RunDockerTemplate.sh <path_to_xml_template_file>


I've been running into problems with volume mappings that have spaces in their path (ie. /mnt/user/my media).

This is a known bug.  If any of you guys are bash scripting gurus, please feel free to fix my script!


Anyway - the point of this was to be able to edit docker containers without having to login to the GUI.  This is useful for me if I am away from my home network and only have SSH access.


Unzip the script by executing:

unzip RunDockerTemplate.zip


Hope it helps someone out!



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  • 2 years later...

Awesome script Skidelo, I've been looking for something like that.


I've updated the script. I found some problems, and have fixet some of them. Maybe the xml format or parse has changed.



  • Fixed parsing of muliple volumes and ports (didn't 
  • Added quotes around volumes
  • Parse multiple files like with *.xml
  • Added dryrun and verbose flags

Current Problem: The xmlint xml-decoder does not parse xml-encoded strings like &#xF8;, so beware. For me the docker command failed, and I could manually add that docker.


Best Alex



Edited by Alex R. Berg
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  • 3 years later...

Ran across this thread.  My solution:  pass the path to the xml as the argument to the script.  Should work with absolutely any xml

$docroot = "/usr/local/emhttp";

require_once "$docroot/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php";

$var = parse_ini_file('/var/local/emhttp/var.ini');
$cfg = parse_ini_file('/boot/config/docker.cfg');

$driver = DockerUtil::driver();
$custom = DockerUtil::custom();
$subnet = DockerUtil::network($custom);

$opts = xmlToCommand($argv[1]);
$cmd = str_replace("create ","run -d ",$opts[0]);



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I was reading this old article when you replied to it @Squid!


I tried your above script with both the script and my xml in /tmp, but got an error

root@TheDeathStar:/tmp# ./runxml.sh my-gluetun.xml 

Warning: parse_ini_file($docroot/state/var.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /tmp/runxml.sh on line 7
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.

The path/file set in $var exists.

root@TheDeathStar:/tmp# ls -lartih /usr/local/emhttp/state/var.ini
3243287 -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 3.3K Aug  7 03:21 /usr/local/emhttp/state/var.ini

as does that for $cfg

root@TheDeathStar:/tmp# ls -lartih /boot/config/docker.cfg
11063 -rw------- 1 root root 350 Jul 30 16:14 /boot/config/docker.cfg

Can you offer any pointers as to what I should follow up on to resolve?

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Adjusted the path on my post.  It was a result of my dev environment


Also, the path you're passing thru to the command should be /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-gluetun.xml (which is presumably where its located and not in the current directory (/tmp)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

After finding this thread (Thanks everyone!) I ended up having to make some modifications to run it on my server running the latest Unraid (6.9.2)


I updated all the xpath to be more modern/proper (eg. //Name -> /descendant::Name etc) as it was not working correctly with env vars anymore. I also changed a couple things I noticed were different like it always binding the TZ, adding HOST_OS and quoting using single not double quotes among a couple other things.


I thought I might as well share my work incase someone is looking for this kinda thing and doesn't have the know-how to update this script.  Also, a tip of how I managed this script, I used the user scripts plugin to put the script in for easy management, and then just run it from there (dry-run and verbose in this case):

sh /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/runDockerTemplate/script -yv /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-xml-file.xml



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  • 1 year later...

I found this thread through a link in the Rebuild-DNDC package

It was using this script to convert the XML into a docker command to restart child containers linked to a parent container network.
It stopped working at some point, wasn't finding volumes etc... I believe the XML format must have changed in the last year

I've written a quick and dirty update to it which I thought I'd link here just in case anyone is still looking for this functionality


Edited by PhilBarker
wrong URL
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