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Can't connect to unRAID server in windows 10 Final release


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I did a clean install of windows 10 yesterday, when it was released.

It's running great, but i cannot access my unRAID server with the \\tower command.


When i do this this message appears;

The specified server cannot perfrom the requested operation


SMB settings are assinged to WORKGROUP in both windows 10 and unRAID



Does anbody have similar problems or any fix for this?

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Thanks for the replies guys!


I did try one thing and it seem to resolve my problem. I went to network and sharing center, and changed the public setting in advanced sharing settings. Now i can view anything on my network, it was set to privat only.



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the replies guys!


I did try one thing and it seem to resolve my problem. I went to network and sharing center, and changed the public setting in advanced sharing settings. Now i can view anything on my network, it was set to privat only.


I had to turn off password protection for network sharing under the Network and Sharing Center / All Network option.

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