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Unable to boot on USB flash drive!


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My USB Flash Drive is a Kingston USB3 DataTraveler 100 G3 16Gig. I use this package unRAIDServer-6.0.1-x86_64.zip. Everything goes fine on creation of the bootable.  I try it couple times without sucess  :-[

  • Drive format fat32 OK
  • Drive name UNRAID ok
  • Run as administrator
  • ldlinux.sys file is present


Won't boot! Hope you can help me with it!



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I'm sure its something silly, but just at a loss. 


It certainly sounds like you ran make_bootable as an administrator.  The flash is labelled UNRAID, you've tried multiple sticks, and the system will boot a linux live stick no problems.


Not quite sure at the moment.  Maybe someone else has a thought.

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My BIOS is not to UEFI


I reformat a couple my flash drive always same message


There is the error message


Missing operating system.

Boot failure

Press any key to continue



those messages mean that either the make_bootable step did not run successfully (so the USB drive is not actually bootable), or you the system is not actually trying to boot off the USB stick.


There was mention earlier OS a syslinux.sys file.  Aon the standard unRAID SETUP the top level on the USB stick there should be a syslinux folder and all files related to syslinux should be inside this.  Just checking as if you have a different layout this might be the underlying issue.

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Ok answer at your questions:


  • My pc is able to boot on USB because I got a live linux and I'm able to boot on it
  • Maybe the make_bootable script don't ran  correctly but no message indicate it
  • ldlinux.sys, ldlinux.c32 and the folder syslinux and I got the folder syslinux and files in it


Very weird problem! I'm a sysadmin for many years I don't  understand this one.




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I found the way to boot on my flash drive finally! I use Rufus to format it after strait forward the normal procedure

Here a screenshot (Sorry for frenchy dialog) what preset I use in Rufus.

Hope that can help someone else.


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