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Docker Container "Indexes"


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Anyone else think it would be useful to be able to define the order in which docker containers are autostarted in unRAID?

Personally, I'm trying to set up an nginx proxy to a few services I'm running on Docker. Initially, I was using jwilder's nginx-proxy. That works really well, but I want to move away from it since most of what it does (sans templating) can be done using links. The only issue I see is though, is that the nginx container would have to be ran last. I suppose I could get around this by not autostarting it and initiating it myself in the case of a reboot.


Also, has anyone talked about support for compose in unRAID? That might be a solution to this kind of issue as well.

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I run a Apache reverse proxy and it will error out as the other services as booting, but once they do it works fine.  Does nginx need the service to be there before it boots?


Is there a way to add a delay/sleep/pause in the launching script that gets put in init.d? I cannot recall what is the starting procedure for this reverse proxy docker.

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