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SABnzbd can't start


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(Sorry, can a mod please move this to Plugins)


Hi all,


Been running 6.0.1 for a while with no issues but as of the last few weeks, SABnzbd has been very unstable; either grabbing 2-3 files max from the queue and stalling and bringing the entire unRAID UI to a halt or refusing to start/restart the SABnzbd plugin. Seeing this error trying restart:


Starting SABnzbd... PID not created, application did not start for some reason ... Start Failed


Info as follows and diagnostics zip is attached.




Python Version:2.7.10


SQLite3 Version:3.7.17


UnRAR Version:5.01


InfoZip Version:6.00


Par2CMDLine Version:0.4



Total Storage Usage: 21 MB


    Install Directory: 21 MB


Your config data will persist after a reboot


Plugin Version: 2015.07.28.1


Any help is much appreciated, thanks!




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