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New Build Help with NIC


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I am new to UNRAID.  I have built Gig motherboard with AMD CPU and 16 GB ram with 4 WD Red 3 TB drives. 


I am unable to get it on the network.  the NIC will get an IP address but I am not able to access it from a browser.  When I try and ping the Tower it is really hit or miss.  from the Tower when pint it is replying with 48% packet loss.  Currently it is a new Trendnet NIC and the onboard NIC won't get a IP.  I  thought it may be the NIC so I went and purchased another one and I also got a Dlink NIC.  Still same problem. 


Does anyone have any ideas for me to try.  I am not a Linux user so detailed troubleshooting instructions would be great...


Thanks in advance for the support.



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First thing I'd be trying is switching out the ethernet cable and the port I'm plugging into on the switch/router and if possible try a different switch or router.


On a different note, intel NICs are generally recommended wherever possible, but don't buy anything else at the moment.


Also have a look here to get the diagnostics and post the file on the thread.

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Thanks for your reply.  I have changed cables and ports.    I have a UNRAID server already built and it runs great.  This is for a family member that I am building for.  I took the NIC from my working box and tried it and still no good.


Not sure if this means anything.  But I downloaded version 5 and booted it up with no problems or errors.  The NIC worked fine with it..



Looking through the link now.


Thanks in advance for your help.


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Well if it is working with Unraid V5 but not V6 then at least it points to a software/driver issue rather than a hardware one, so that's a useful piece of information.


Post the diagnostics and consider posting in the Defect Reports Forum


The diagnostics will contain some useful information about the networking. I'm not going to be able to sort it out for you as I'm as clueless as most about these things, but it'll set up your thread ready for someone who does know with the information they require.  ;)



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