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Migrating Kodi v14 SQL DB to Kodi v15


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Like many, I use MariaDB for my shared Kodi library.  Every time there is a major Kodi update, I seem to find myself asking the same question:  is there a clearly defined method for migrating my existing DB (v14) to v15?


From what I have seen on the wiki, you can just update your Kodi client and it will automatically backup the existing DB and upgrade it (of course perform a manual export also just to be safe).  I would love to believe this is true but would like to here from some of you here that have successfully done this.



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Correct, I've been using MySQL since XBMC 10 or so. I run XBMC/Kodi on my primary machine which I do all the scraping/changes from (keyboard/mouse make corrections much easier), the first run takes a while, then I upgrade all my clients and they pull the new DB and run just as fast as before.

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I would add that on top of the backups you want to shut down all Kodi and then upgrade just one. Once complete do the others one at a time making sure they are exact same version of Kodi.


i.e. OpenELEC vs windows and machines reatrting and coming up/fighting for sql upgrade control.


Apart form that it just works although Frodo too multiple hours for me so since then I always turn on debug logging one th first machine so I know the difference between a "black screen of upgrade delay" and "death".

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So you guys are saying that the info in the wiki is correct?


-  shut down all Kodi clients

-  shut down MariaDB

-  make a DB backup

-  start MariaDB

-  bring one kodi client online and let it update the DB

-  bring all other Kodi clients online




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So you guys are saying that the info in the wiki is correct?


-  shut down all Kodi clients

-  shut down MariaDB

-  make a DB backup

-  start MariaDB

-  bring one kodi client online and let it update the DB

-  bring all other Kodi clients online




Yep, think you're good to go John, push that button!


EDIT: To be honest I don't bother with any of that, never really give it a thought, just update regardless of what's turned on or backed up and I've never had a problem, not to say you shouldn't do all the above, but more trying to reassure you it's a really painless experience.


Can recommend trakt.tv for keeping your library watched status intact in case of disaster though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can also export all your data as separate files (so you'll get a ton of .nfo files, some jpgs/etc) in the folders with your content.


This makes the upgrade that much better, since it has all the info locally. Where this really shines is movies/shows/etc that you needed to edit by hand (Total Recall vs Total Recall(2014)), because the exported files save the "work" you did for it. Otherwise, every upgrade you'll find yourself fixing a handful of things that didn't scrape right.


Also, so the first upgrade on a fast x86 based machine (like your windows desktop, headless kodi docker, etc) instead of slower devices like andriod players, pi's, etc. Library imports/etc are much faster on a full pc with real cpu speed.

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