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New 6.1.1 dashboard status items


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I just upgraded to 6.1.1 and I noticed a new set of percentage bars for "flash : log : docker" right below memory usage.  I was just wondering if these percentages are the percent of memory that these items are taking up or is the percentage referring to CPU usage?

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I just upgraded to 6.1.1 and I noticed a new set of percentage bars for "flash : log : docker" right below memory usage.  I was just wondering if these percentages are the percent of memory that these items are taking up or is the percentage referring to CPU usage?

Neither. It's space used on the boot flash drive, space used in the tmpfs volume that contains logs, and space used in the docker image. I guess technically the tmpfs is a memory percent, since it's a ramdrive, but still, it's space used in the drive.
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I'm a little slower than jonathanm this morning, but posting anyway in case our different wording helps with understanding.


It refers to file space used:


flash is your USB boot drive

log is space used for logs. This is in memory but it has a fixed total size allocation

docker is your docker img file, which is the virtual disk dockers live in.

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