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[SOLVED] Unraid unRAIDServer-6.0.0-x86_64 Upgrade > unRAIDServer-6.1.1-x86_64


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This might be a noob question and make people 'sigh' however I noticed in the readme (changes) that there were only instructions for 'FRESH INSTALL' and not for upgrading from current version 6.0 to 6.x.x


I wanted to clearify and be sure before I upgrade my usb (manually from a Windows PC) that I have this correct. Would I follow the instructions from the 6.0.0 README that states :


If you are currently running any previous 6.0-beta


To manually upgrade, it is only necessary to copy these files from the zip file to the root

of your USB Flash device:


- bzimage

- bzroot

- license.txt

- readme.txt

- syslinux/syslinux.cfg (see below)


And that is the process going forward ? I assume it is.... as well I always make a backup of my flash drive before altering files on it


Let me know when you have a moment. Perhaps the 'upgrade' instructions can be added to future release 'README/CHANGES' text file in the future.


Thank you :)

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In the announcement post for the 6.1.1 release, the upgrade instructions are simply and only -

Clicking 'Check for Updates' on the Plugins page is the preferred way to upgrade.


Strictly speaking, for a manual upgrade, there's no difference from the past.  Replacing bzroot and bzimage are all that's required.  For correct change notes, you should also replace readme.txt.  But you never know when there might be a new memtest, syslinux, license, make_bootable files, etc.

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OK, I figured it was close to the same, and generally those 'upgrade' notes are in each release. That's what rasied the question was all.


I'll try this new way through the GUI, 6.0 is the first release with that I do believe, I am just use to old methods. I always took it offline, made a backup of my flash drive, then copied new files over and rebooted. Like making a backup in case problems persist with new version... guess I am a little old school that way :)


I'll make a backup shortly here, and try this new GUI update method, seems handy. Thank you for the input

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