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[Solved] - Windows 8/10 network mount not possible, already connected, library!!


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"The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password"


I now tried some time to find out what causes this problem in my system and if others got my constelation too, they should find the anwer here and not have to search like i am :)


Problem: Windows keeps telling you that you can't connect to unraid share with private security with specified user because the share is already accessed by another user.


But i don't had any network accesses onto the unraid shares from the windwos machine.

Also "net use" doesn't show up anything and "net use * /delete"  doesn't do the trick.

I also rebooted serveral times, etc...


after searching and trying for hours i found a little shortcut in my explorer which i have overseen the whole time. It was a library shortcut under my computer which pointed to a share on the unraid.


deleted it and connecting with another user went fine.


This is very easy to overlook!

So if you aren't able to connect to your unraid shares with other users, have a look in your folder library.

Or better, do not make shortcuts this way :D


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