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Who are your all-time top 3 favorite movie characters?


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1.  Quint (Robert Shaw) from Jaws

2.  Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day Lewis) from Gangs of New York

3.  Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) from Tombstone







1.  Quint (Robert Shaw) from Jaws

2.  Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day Lewis) from Gangs of New York

3.  Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) from Tombstone





I like your selections but they were good acting scenes for those parts. Give them another role, aren't as good. Bill The Butcher was fantastic. I have some weird ones myself. Best three movie characters in what movie. Not overall best movie actor. There is none.


American Hustle - Christian Bale

A Few Good Men - Jack Nicolson

Monster - Charlize Theron


There are many others.



It's impossible to limit yourself to only 3, so many to choose from.  You did say 'favorite' not 'best acting', so here's some top favorites for me.


  Matt Damon as Jason Bourne - anything with him in it, probably the top spot


After that, there's a crowd, and I can't pick just 2 more -


  Matt Damon AND Robin Williams - Good Will Hunting (actually any Robin Williams in his 'serious' films)

  Sandra Bullock - While You Were Sleeping (pure lovableness for a lonely guy)

  Leonard Nimoy as Spock - anything with him as Spock

  The robot from Short Circuit

  Gollum - from any Lord of the Rings

  Any Indiana Jones

  Jodie Foster - Nell

  Noomi Rapace - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Rooney Mara was great too)

  etc (I know I'm forgetting even better ones)


The reason I could never limit it to 3 is because my taste in movies is much longer than my life. I was born in the 50s and there are many movies I love from the 30s for example.


Everyone forgot the best of all time.


***Tyler Durden(Brad Pitt) - Fight Club***

"WHOA! WHOA! OK, you are now firing a gun at your imaginary friend NEAR 400 GALLONS OF NITROGLYCERIN!"


Other honorable mentions


Lt. Aldo Raine(Brad Pitt) - Inglorious Bastards

"You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business; we in the killin' Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin'."


The Bride(Uma Thurman) - Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2

"This is what you get for fucking around with Yakuzas!  Go home to your mother!"

  • 1 year later...

Not quite sure how i found this old thread buy hey its a good one!


My favorite


1. Lee (Bruce Lee) Enter the dragon -- but in that movie Williams (Jim Kelly) had to say one of the best lines ever in a movie. "When it comes I wouldnt even notice...because i would be too busy looking good!


2. Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (Gary Oldman)  The Fith Element  -- one of my all time favorite movies (all the characters are great in it but Gary Oldman my favorite)



And third

Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Preditor         another great line  "so you cooked up a story and dropped the 6 of us in the meat grinder!"



Hugo Weaving - V - V for Vendetta

Richard Widmark - Tommy Udo - Kiss of Death

Bruce Willis - Korben Dallas - The Fifth Element

Sigourney Weaver - Ripley - Alien(s)

Alan Rickman - Hans Gruber - Die Hard

Alan Rickman - Sheriff of Nottingham - Robin Hood

Humphrey Bogart- Dobbs - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 

Robert Mitchum - Jeff - Out of the Past

Gene Hackman - Jimmy Doyle - The French Connection

Denzel Washington - Pvt. Tripp - Glory

Tom Cruise - Jerry McGuire - Jerry McGuire

Robin Williams - Parry - The Fisher King

And so many others




Dustin Hoffman - Papillon, Straw Dogs, Tootsie and Rainman

Morgan freeman - Shawshank Redemption

James Earl Jones --- Not so much for acting but his voice overs are great....Darth Vader... Lion King


Marlon Brando - The Godfather

Jean Reno - Leon: The Professional

Jack Nicholson - One flew over the cuckoo's nest


and so many others Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction), Al Pacino (Scarface), Sigourney Weaver (Aliens), Peter Sellers (Dr. Strangelove ...), ...


Top 3 Movie Characters

1. Darth Vader - If I have to say what movies, you should be shot. Best villain ever

2. Captain Kirk - Star Trek (any of them) Just that cocky attitude and respect for his crew is awesome. 

3. E.T - First movie I every cried at.


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