Parity Check Errors Help


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I have been dealing with some Parity Check Errors lately and I cannot seem to get them to clear.  I have ran extended SMART tests on each drive and they each passed.  I am receiving less than 10 errors now but they are never really consistent.  How can I go about pin pointing what is causing this?


Here are the details:


Unraid 6.1.4

Attached Smart Tests for Each Disk


Any advice would be great!



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Let me know if you don't understand what I asked for and I will elaborate.

Tools - Diagnostics.


Have you done a memtest?


No I understand.  Finding time to access the server physically is tough.  I have been doing this all remotely!  When I get a chance, I will do a memtest.  I do not have a monitor or anything setup that's easily accessible.  At the moment, I disabled the HDD that I believe is the "ata7.00".  Did a parity sync and am now running a parity check.  Unfortunately that takes 6.5 hours so troubleshooting is limited to twice a day when I am doing these things.


I will keep you updated on if what I just did corrects the issue which will tell me it's the drive I disabled or not.  If not, then I will run a memtest.


Thanks for your response!

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Well I have an update after running another parity check all morning. After disabling the drive that corresponded to ata7.00 I received no errors on the parity check. So that tells me it can be one of three things. The drive itself,sata cable, or sata port! 


I think the next step is to swap it with a working drive (possibly smaller) to make the parity check go a little faster to determine if I still receive errors. If I do then it's the cable or port. If I don't then I would have to assume it's the drive.



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