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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Sorry for the barrage of questions.


I also setup my Windows 10 VM to use the DelugeVPN connection by setting it up according to Spaceinvader's video.  Is there a way to route the VM through the DelugeVPN with this new update?  I was not sure if I needed to add a port to the 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS' var and if so what port.


Image from Internet Options > Connections tab > LAN settings inside my Win 10 VM.

2021-02-25 17_51_03-Window.png

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I'm also unable to use "localhost" in Sonarr/Radarr/etc. Setting them to the app IP of 172.17.x.x works. I'm also still having DNS leaks with a Firefox proxy pointing at DelugeVPN as detailed here. Everything, including DelugeVPN, is set to Network type = Bridge in the container settings. Sonarr, Radarr, NZBHydra2, Jackett, etc., are all using HTTP proxy with 172.17.x.x:8118 and "bypass local network" turned on. This may be the wrong way to use DelugeVPN with other containers, I'm not sure. 


I'm also now getting this in my log over and over, even though everything seems to be working if you ignore the DNS leak.

2021-02-25 17:25:10,431 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting Deluge Web UI...

2021-02-25 17:25:10,432 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge Web UI started

2021-02-25 17:25:10,433 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start Privoxy...

2021-02-25 17:25:11,444 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Privoxy process started
[info] Waiting for Privoxy process to start listening on port 8118...

2021-02-25 17:25:11,449 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Privoxy process listening on port 8118

2021-02-25 17:25:11,449 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] VPN IP is XXXXXX
[debug] Deluge IP is XXXXXX

2021-02-25 17:25:41,451 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Checking we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address...

2021-02-25 17:25:41,481 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] DNS operational, we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address ''

2021-02-25 17:25:41,482 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Waiting for iptables chain policies to be in place...

2021-02-25 17:25:41,490 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] iptables chain policies are in place

2021-02-25 17:25:41,502 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Privoxy not running

2021-02-25 17:25:41,503 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start Privoxy...

<repeat forever>


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I just updated this container, and now I cannot connect Unraid local IP or to any of my dockers running on Unraid using the IP/port combo when I have DelugeVPN set as my proxy address/port. This worked right before the update.


Is there something I need to update/change?


EDIT: I'm also getting errors in Sonarr and Radarr that it can't connect to Jackett:




What's interesting is I can use public IPs and resolve public domains just fine using the proxy. It's just local addresses.


EDIT 2: I'm pretty sure I've added all the corrected settings, but it's still not working. Any ideas? If I can't fix it, can anyone tell me how to roll it back to the previous version? If I set my PC to use the deluge proxy, I can't even connect to the Unraid web UI anymore.
















DOCKERS (deluge is showing previous version because I already rolled it back before I got screenshot):



Edited by carnivorebrah
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43 minutes ago, carnivorebrah said:

I just updated this container, and now I cannot connect Unraid local IP or to any of my dockers running on Unraid using the IP/port combo when I have DelugeVPN set as my proxy address/port. This worked right before the update.


Is there something I need to update/change?


EDIT: I'm also getting errors in Sonarr and Radarr that it can't connect to Jackett:




What's interesting is I can use public IPs and resolve public domains just fine using the proxy. It's just local addresses.


I had same trouble with update done today. Tried to read few pages here and nothing worked. Finally rolled back to 2.0.4 dev38 and its golden again...

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56 minutes ago, jpcom said:


I had same trouble with update done today. Tried to read few pages here and nothing worked. Finally rolled back to 2.0.4 dev38 and its golden again...

I'm going to give it another day to see if I can figure out how to make things work again.  If I can't, I'm going to look into how I can rollback DelugeVPN as you have  I am hoping a nights sleep will help me pull together and understand what I have been reading this forum.

Edited by storagehound
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Hi, sorry another person getting stuck with this new update here. Not really that great with unraid so guessing something maybe setup wrong in the first place which is why its not not working. (but has been fine for 2 years ish)

Didn't have additional_ports so added this:


Assume that's correct?


Sonarr/Radarr/Jacket all on same IP as deluge.  Get this error in those when trying to test download client Unknown exception: The operation has timed out.: ''

I have the host in Sonarr/Radarr/Jacket set to the same IP as deluge/server, tried localhost and it instantly says unable to connect on test.

Also tried setting the proxy to localhost but no change to test results



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2 hours ago, jpcom said:


I had same trouble with update done today. Tried to read few pages here and nothing worked. Finally rolled back to 2.0.4 dev38 and its golden again...

Just curious, how do you go about rolling back to the previous version?

I looked through the Github and Dockerhub for the information, but not finding it.

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I think I got it.  Seeing this screenshot  from torlh helpd turn on a few brain cells.  There were multiple steps to be done.
I searched for "ADDITIONAL_PORTS" and found Binhex's entry in another forum.   So many steps.


1)  I routed Jackett, Sonarr and Radarr (all Binhex versions) through Deluge VPN.  Following Spaceinvader one's Youtube tutorial How to route any docker container through a VPN container will get you most the way there (Link below).  But you'll need to add the "ADDITONAL_PORTS" variable if your Deluge-VPN template does not already have it.  I'll screenshot mine.  Those 3 values you see are Jackett, Radarr & Sonarr.  This will allow you to access them in the browser (remember, follow the video first).


2)  Once you are able to access your webpages you should go through them and remove any explicit host name for your server (like and replace it with Localhost.  I would start with Jackett (if you are using that) since you may have other programs pointing to it.  In the case of Radar I had to do this for all of my indexers,  the Proxy settings under General and for the Download Client.  Here's a screenshot of my doing the "Download Client" in Radar. 


After I had done all of this my containers were able to be accessed by the web page with the appropriated port:  http://192.xxx.x.12:9117 for Jackett and etc.  I saw that Radarr and Sonarr were able to access their indexers and deluge vpn. 

I know these directions are not great.  I am exhausted.  I only did it for those of you who will be driving yourself crazy and just need a hint.  I know one of our better explainer will probably put something more useful and cohesive together. 

Thank you Binhex and Torlh for giving me enough to figure  out what to do and actually clean up my sever.

2 hours ago, Torih said:

Hi, sorry another person getting stuck with this new update here. Not really that great with unraid so guessing somethi
ng maybe setup wrong in the first place which is why its not not working. (but has been fine for 2 years ish)

Didn't have additional_ports so added this:


Assume that's correct?


Sonarr/Radarr/Jacket all on same IP as deluge.  Get this error in those when trying to test download client Unknown exception: The operation has timed out.: ''

I have the host in Sonarr/Radarr/Jacket set to the same IP as deluge/server, tried localhost and it instantly says unable to connect on test.

Also tried setting the proxy to localhost but no change to test results




Edited by storagehound
A little cleanup
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32 minutes ago, storagehound said:

I think I got it. 


Yes!  I think I stumbled on it too, then I came here and saw your post.


I remember SpaceinvaderOne had a video similar to what was being described and found the video you linked.

Putting that together with the steps in Q24 on the VPN FAQ doc helped too.


What's not mentioned in the video or FAQ is I had to change my downloader entry in Radarr to 'localhost'.

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4 hours ago, MammothJerk said:

Wait so to clarify:

for dockers to make use of the delugevpn privoxy (and even the download client for radarr/sonarr/lidarr) they must have "--net=container:Binhex-DelugeVPN" in their extra parameters?


You can use privoxy from any other docker or computer on your network by simply configuring the proxy settings of the application/computer to point to the privoxy address:port. For example, you would do this under settings in the Radarr Web UI. Or in Firefox proxy setting on you normal PC.
But for dockers running on you unraid server, like radarr/sonarr/lidarr, there is an alternative way. You can make the other docker use the same network as deluge, by adding the net=container...  into the extra parameters. It has some benefits in that you are guaranteed that all docker application traffic goes via the VPN. When using privoxy, only http traffic is routed via the VPN, and only if the application itself has implemented the proxy function properly.


But doing it the net=container way, you shouldn't also use the proxy function in the application itself.

So one or the other, depending on your use case and needs, but not both.

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5 hours ago, MammothJerk said:

Wait so to clarify:

for dockers to make use of the delugevpn privoxy (and even the download client for radarr/sonarr/lidarr) they must have "--net=container:Binhex-DelugeVPN" in their extra parameters?

hmm im seeing a lot of this, the answer is a definite NO!, for everybody here:-


ADDITIONAL_PORTS and the 'Extra Parameter' value of '--net=container:<name of vpn container>' is ONLY required if you are routing other containers through a vpn container, if you are settings your application to use the proxy (privoxy) then this is NOT the case.

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

hmm im seeing a lot of this, the answer is a definite NO!, for everybody here:-


ADDITIONAL_PORTS and the 'Extra Parameter' value of '--net=container:<name of vpn container>' is ONLY required if you are routing other containers through a vpn container, if you are settings your application to use the proxy (privoxy) then this is NOT the case.

So if just using privoxy from radarr/sonarr etc we dont need to change anything? Because nothing using privoxy is working since the update to deluge.

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26 minutes ago, Torih said:

So if just using privoxy from radarr/sonarr etc we dont need to change anything? Because nothing using privoxy is working since the update to deluge.

i need more details, please screenshot your sonarr and radarr settings for a start, a few questions for you to answer too:-


1. are you routing any containers through a vpn container, if so which ones?

2. have you defined LAN_NETWORK for your vpn container, if so what is it and what is your servers ip address?

3. are you using custom bridge, staitc ip addresses or maclvlan for any of your containers? if so which ones and what are the values of each?.

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I got it to work thanks to Spaceinvader's Video and the VPN FAQ Instructions Q24 at the bottom.  Essentially I followed the video, added the 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS' variable, and then just updated the settings inside Radarr for example to be 'localhost' for Download Clients (Deluge) and Indexers (Jackett).


One thing I am noticing is that the containers I change will not connect to Plex Media Server any more.  This makes sense since all the dockers using the VPN have an IP address outside my network now, when I use 'curl ifconfig.io' in their consoles.  For those that have this setup working, do you have an issue with containers not connecting to others not using the VPN?


This is my setup for Plex in Radarr, under the Connect settings.  I could route my Plex container through the VPN but then I am guessing anything I direct play will go out through the VPN and back to my TV.

2021-02-26 07_41_16-Window.png

Edited by Burizado
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29 minutes ago, binhex said:

i need more details, please screenshot your sonarr and radarr settings for a start, a few questions for you to answer too:-


1. are you routing any containers through a vpn container, if so which ones?

2. have you defined LAN_NETWORK for your vpn container, if so what is it and what is your servers ip address?

3. are you using custom bridge, staitc ip addresses or maclvlan for any of your containers? if so which ones and what are the values of each?.

I posted screenshots of my setup a few posts up. Please let me know if you need more screenshots


1. Yes, I am routing Radarr, Sonarr and Jackett through DelugeVPN using the web GUI settings for each docker to point to the deluge container IP/port ( I tried using "localhost" too, but it wouldn't connect.

2. Yes, my unraid server IP is, and my LAN_NETWORK is defined as


3. Yes, I have a couple containers set with static IPs (pihole and guacamole) that I can no longer access when I point a physical device to the deluge proxy. Containers using my "proxynet" vlan work fine. When I try to connect to the Unraid web gui using a physical device pointed to the proxy IP/port, it gives me a privoxy error.


I will try to go through it again and get more screenshots of all of the errors, but tempted to just wait.

Edited by carnivorebrah
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8 minutes ago, binhex said:

i need more details, please screenshot your sonarr and radarr settings for a start, a few questions for you to answer too:-


1. are you routing any containers through a vpn container, if so which ones?

2. have you defined LAN_NETWORK for your vpn container, if so what is it and what is your servers ip address?

3. are you using custom bridge, staitc ip addresses or maclvlan for any of your containers? if so which ones and what are the values of each?.

1. only using privoxy, nothing going through a container.

2. server

3. Deluge,Radarr,Sonarr all set to bridge


I'm not very knowledgeable on Unriad so just used spaceinvaders vids to setup a few years ago :)






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1. I'm only using the delugevpn privoxy for sonarr.

2. and my server address is

3. sonarr and delugevpn are both running bridged.


delugevpn settings:



Sonarr settings



With the latest delugevpn container sonarr can only connect to deluge download client if the host is set to localhost or does NOT work.

Same story with the proxy under general > proxy.


downgrading to the previous container i have no issues.

Edited by MammothJerk
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8 hours ago, carnivorebrah said:

I tried those steps, but they didn't work for me. See screenshots in a few posts above.


Also, when I point any physical device to the DelugeVPN proxy, I cannot connect to the Unraid web UI on that device.

I totally missed your post.  I must have been pretty fried at that point.  In fact, if I'd noticed, I'm sure it would have helped me get mine up sooner.   The only thing different with mine is I didn't use the proxy on Jackett since I had decided to route my three containers through Deluge-VPN.  I'm going to triple check my connections...I think I don't need the proxy setting in some of those other areas.

Edited by storagehound
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24 minutes ago, storagehound said:

I totally missed your post.  I must have been pretty fried at that point.  In fact, if I'd noticed, I'm sure it would have helped me get mine up sooner.   The only thing different with mine is I didn't use the proxy on Jackett since I had decided to route my three containers through Deluge-VPN.  I'm going to triple check my connections...I think I don't need the proxy setting in some of those other areas.


Well, I didn't add '--net=container:<name of vpn container>' to my containers. I missed that, but I see a reply stating that is not needed if you set the "localhost" IP in the web GUI of the container instead. So, I'm not sure what's going on.


The part that is really killing me, is the physical device pointed through the proxy IP/port part. If I do that, I cannot access the Unraid web GUI, nor any of my dockers running in bridge or custom IP on that device. I can only access dockers running on my "proxynet" VLAN using the fully qualified public domain name, which is going out and back in using DNS resolution and Swag (i'm guessing).


EDIT: Just to clarify, I point my physical laptop, desktop and mobile phone through DelugeVPN proxy, but the above issue is what happens when I do it with the latest update. Here's my proxy settings on my desktop PC:


Edited by carnivorebrah
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21 minutes ago, MammothJerk said:

1. I'm only using the delugevpn privoxy for sonarr.

2. and my server address is

3. sonarr and delugevpn are both running bridged.


delugevpn settings:



Sonarr settings



With the latest delugevpn container sonarr can only connect to deluge download client if the host is set to localhost or does NOT work.

Same story with the proxy under general > proxy.


downgrading to the previous container i have no issues.


How do you downgrade? I am having the same issue as you.

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