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[Support] binhex - Plex Pass

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Alright, before I go and trash talk plex for it's many faults on reddit, I think I may need assistance redoing my installation, or just tinker with my preferences.

Lately episodes or movies will randomly get a trash can icon placed over them, indicating that the corresponding file has been moved or deleted. However, the file(s) in question have not been moved or deleted and actually still exist in the directory that plex used to see them. A library scan usually fixes that, but every time I have plex do a library scan, it messes with my posters, organization names, and other metadata - even if I have those fields locked. I have a feeling it has something to do with how unRAID handles storage, but I don't have the experience or knowledge to actually pinpoint my issue on that, let alone fixing it.

Is there a suggested way to manage all this content without breaking everything?

Anyways, thank you binhex for all your work in plex-pass!

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22 minutes ago, drkpu1se said:

I have those fields locked. I have a feeling it has something to do with how unRAID handles storage, but I don't have the experience or knowledge to actually pinpoint my issue on that, let alone fixing it.

Is there a suggested way to manage all this content without breaking everything?

Anyways, thank you binhex for all your work in plex-pass!

sadly i dont have an answer to your question as i simply dont have the problem you are experiencing, how are you updating plex when you add new media?, i simply use the very robust built in feature in plex 'settings\library\Scan my library automatically' and that does exactly what it says on the tin scans on new media added, maybe worth a shot if you arent using this. if you are using sonarr/radarr etc etc to do the plex media scanning then maybe its worth turning that off for now and try my method above.

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26 minutes ago, binhex said:

sadly i dont have an answer to your question as i simply dont have the problem you are experiencing, how are you updating plex when you add new media?, i simply use the very robust built in feature in plex 'settings\library\Scan my library automatically' and that does exactly what it says on the tin scans on new media added, maybe worth a shot if you arent using this. if you are using sonarr/radarr etc etc to do the plex media scanning then maybe its worth turning that off for now and try my method above.

I stopped automatic scans for awhile because everytime it did a scan, it deleted posters, changed meta data, and organization titles that I had previously had locked for other content that I already had. Anytime I added new content, I would do a manual scan to sort of prevent this from happening. Most recently I set up for automatic scan every time plex detected an addition, but that started making content go "missing". Current set up is auto scan on change in media, and don't empty trash - to hopefully prevent the changes to already good content - the same content that goes "missing".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a weird issue that popped up within the last couple updates.


I have my Plex doing a library scan every 6 hours. It usually runs fine, but lately it seems to get stuck somewhere along the line. It's different every time, but the icon at the top will spin endlessly and will show an item it's scanning, but that will never change until I restart the container.


Is there a way to stop it's scanning and restart it? Or see what it's doing/stuck on?

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On 9/4/2022 at 8:23 PM, enigma27 said:

Hi All.


Is there a tutorial on how to repair a corrupt database for this container. Mine randomly started playing up tonight even after watching a movie.


really would rather not reinstall the whole thing.

Anyone? I've seen someone else ask the same question and got no answer either.  Following all the guides from Plex, or from Reddit threads, or SpaceInvader One's video and none of them match what I see in binhex-Plex.  Thankfully my issue isn't critical, but I would really love to know how to do a db repair without starting from scratch or losing everything by making a noob mistake.

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I am running the latest version on an UnRaid server (6.10.2). I have to restart the dock to watch any 4K movies. Once I restart the movie plays fine until I stop it and try to watch it again later in the day. I get a "Multiple Playback errors" on the Plex App on Roku and when streaming to a wired PC it just won't play. Any ideas? What logs might me helpful?

Happened again today 11/18/22 at about 08:30.

Tried streaming from a wired PC and nothing would play.


Edited by mgadbois
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hello all,


I am hoping for some help troubleshooting a weird issue. I am not able to access this docker via IP address but can via web app. The web app was also not functioning however I did change my DNS server to google on my IPv4 settings. I had not touched those setting prevously, nothing on my router or home network changed other than a power off power on for router/modem. I've attached my dx and a few screen shots. let me know if there is more info i can provide. thank you. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to switch the Plex docker version I use from the original to the binhex (i have a plex pass). I was hoping I could just point it to my old data location (I have made copies for testing). When I start the binhex version, it takes a while but it finally starts up. When I select myself from the home screen, it starts up as a new server. Although it recognizes my old server name, all my libraries are gone. I have them pointed to the correct location in the docker setup screen.  I'm just not sure if there is a way to do a seamless transfer like this, or would I have to rebuild everything?

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On 11/17/2022 at 9:08 PM, boianski said:

hello all,


I am hoping for some help troubleshooting a weird issue. I am not able to access this docker via IP address but can via web app. The web app was also not functioning however I did change my DNS server to google on my IPv4 settings. I had not touched those setting prevously, nothing on my router or home network changed other than a power off power on for router/modem. I've attached my dx and a few screen shots. let me know if there is more info i can provide. thank you. 




bigboss-diagnostics-20221117-2205.zip 148.34 kB · 0 downloads

Got the same issue after updating to the newest plex. Can't access PLEX via local/public IP and 0 errors on the logs.  :(



rm /config/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml fixed this issue for me. You may want to make a backup of the file just in case though so 

mv /config/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml /config/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml.bk or something along those lines.

Edited by whitetiger
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On 2/12/2019 at 6:48 AM, Shomil Saini said:

So, I'm using reverse proxy with letsencrypt - duckdns setup. Don't know if that has something to do with this. I'll try Plex and see today if I get similar result like you.

Only reason I wanted DLNA was to try and get lossless dolby atmos(truehd) playback, which I figure by my research is not possible anyhow over current HDMI 2.0 CEC and arc.
I guess we have to wait for eArc updates for TV firmware or get a new TV. Other than that HDR works with DD5.1+ with native plex app on my 65" LG OLED C8.
Bit disappointed but nothing that could be done for now.


Sent from my SM-N960W using Tapatalk

Did anyone ever sort this out? Does DLNA work in binhex-plexpass?

It's not working for me, and this is the last post in this thread about it - with no solution.



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I'd like to do a db repair from within the docker session so that I can have goood pathing to library.db and access to Plex SQlite.

How do I politely stop plex? I see /home/nobody/start.sh has # kick off main process
"${PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_HOME}/Plex Media Server"

I don't see a stop.sh

I'm have tried a few s6 and systemctl commands but haven't found a method other than ps -aux and killing /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Serv


Steps similar to 

but for arch linux or binhex-plexpass. 

Edited by thermbug
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  • 4 weeks later...

Does PlexAmp work with this container? I have the container up and running but i'm unable to connect plexamp to it on local network and remotely. having issue both on my android phone and on my windows pc (not unraid pc or vm, physical pc).


Plexamp just doesn't show this server as an option. When i had plex on my physical machine (another device on same network) it was working fine, local and remote, server appears etc... 


I can access plex remotely, ports are forwarded, it even shows it under authorized devices but maybe that's more account auth related than the device actually hitting the server(?), server settings shows it's reachable and i can hit my music library from the plex app on mobile and from desktop, plexamp just being moody.


any help or suggestions are appreciated. 

edit: network setup is using it's own assigned ip address, not host - there are no IP or port conflicts and secure connections is at preferred, not required


Edit2: Resolved - same issue on my desktop, logged out / in manually and still didn't work - logged out and back in but this time using the "login with browser" and it connected... it was the same email / user account both times, not sure what or why this mattered but interesting to see. I noticed in the debug logs that it was calling for connection to devices at IP's that don't exist anymore either (recent redo of entire network, subnets, addresses used for those subnets etc...) maybe it needed some things to refresh? 

Edited by Azreal
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I have seen a few posts related to the issue I am havin but cannot seem to find a firm answer.


When I attemt to start the docker the logs will get to the following point and then nothing further seems to happen.


I know that previously it was said to ignore the Critical: libusb_init failed because it is only related to having a usb tuner, which I do not have. But this is the only error I am really recieving. I have checked the logs in the container folder and I see several crash dump files but the logs also seem to indicate they are not being sent (not sure if they are automatically suppose to be sent somewhere).


Additionaly, the docker is not showing any IP addresses.



I am not sure if this is related or not. I am not sure what further information would be helpful here either. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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3 hours ago, specs75 said:

Additionaly, the docker is not showing any IP addresses.



I am not sure if this is related or not. I am not sure what further information would be helpful here either. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



don't take my word for it but i believe it's because there's no host to container port mappings. it gets an IP (or uses the host) and it uses what it uses and you don't map the ports between them, believe even the readme for the container says you don't change ports. i found a comment somewhere along these lines recently. and compared to the other containers i do have with mappings this seems to be the case. 


as for the other problem. i had that as well but i cannot remember what i did to fix it. double / triple check all your parameters, paths, permissions, etc... if it comes back to me i'll reply

Edited by Azreal
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13 hours ago, Azreal said:

if it comes back to me i'll reply


Thanks for the reply. If you remember how to fix the Critical: libusb_init failed issue let me know.


In the mean time as I have been trying to trouble shoot the issue with the IP addresses not showing I have have found that I needed to manually add the ports required for Plex to work. I have provided some screenshot below of what I have tried.


Here is where it started, no IP mappings listed on the container (not sure if I am saying that right).NoIpShowing.thumb.png.281081db3333f0217b7264990a4e5dc8.png


And no port showing in the Allocations area of the docker settings, only question marks. And no conflicting ports.



I manually added port 32400.



Now the docker shows an IP address port mapped.



However, now my problem is that it seems to not be the media server version. I get no setup wizard to add my library. And when I select the "Your Media" link on the left side I get an option to Get Plex Media Server, and the button leads me to Plex's download page.



I have also tried ensuring all ports that Plex mentions in their support forums were added and I continue to get this message.


I have used the binhex-plex docker in the past and it worked great for me. But I recenly refreshed my unRaid server adding more hard drive space and just generally reseting evertying so I am trying to get the Plex server back up and running. I am just baffled why its telling me to download the Plex Media Server.


I would be greteful for any further advice anyone can provide.


Thanks in advance for your time.


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I just performed an update and afterwards I am only seeing this screen. I believe this happened back in November after an update as well. Is there a reason this is happening multiple times after performing an update for this application? I did some searching and saw sometimes this happens if the database is corrupted, so I started following one of Spaceinvader One's videos on fixing a corrupt Plex DB. But when I got to the step of performing a "PRAGMA integrity_check", it came back as "ok" without any errors.


Do I just need to wait for the migration to finish? I still don't understand why this has happened multiple times, though, and only immediately after an update. So any guidance or explanation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Tiller
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3 hours ago, Tiller said:



I just performed an update and afterwards I am only seeing this screen. I believe this happened back in November after an update as well. Is there a reason this is happening multiple times after performing an update for this application? I did some searching and saw sometimes this happens if the database is corrupted, so I started following one of Spaceinvader One's videos on fixing a corrupt Plex DB. But when I got to the step of performing a "PRAGMA integrity_check", it came back as "ok" without any errors.


Do I just need to wait for the migration to finish? I still don't understand why this has happened multiple times, though, and only immediately after an update. So any guidance or explanation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I've got the same, and after "migration" my hardware transcode doesn't work anymore. 

I tried to downgrade to a previous version but hw transcode for me is totally broken right now.
This could be something else entirely, ie user error or something, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. 

I let the migration run it's course and plex starts up just fine btw. Just give it time depending on your library. 

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I am having an issue where I can not find the media to add in a new library when I click the Browse For Media button. Specifically my Home Movies folder on the server. Why can't Plex find all my media folders which are all at the root of a single share? I can see Movies, Fitness, Dog Training, but not Home Movies. What do I need to check on?


Fixed: The paths I used for containers for the library were very specific. Instead of having Main Paths for Music, Movies, I had them down to specific ones in the PLEX - Edit settings area Such that it was Music-FLAC Albums, Music-Albums, Music-Old iTunes, and Movies-Movies, Movies-Dog Training, and I did NOT have Movies-Home Movies as a path. I am going to go back and Set a path to Movies, and then in Plex I will just add libraries that drill down into Movies, Dog Training, Home Movies, etc. 

Edited by xdriver
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Uh oh, think updating all the dockers just broke my Plex. I get this when I click to view the Web UI.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Response code="503" title="Maintenance" status="Plex Media Server is currently running database migrations."/>

Looking at the docker there's no port mappings assigned. I tried assigning it to a bridge,, that didn't work. Also tried manually putting in a port, that didn't work either. What should I do to get it back?

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9 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Response code="503" title="Maintenance" status="Plex Media Server is currently running database migrations."/>


So i would assume that is performing a database upgrade due to a database change in the latest version of plex, did you leave it for some time to finish?, if not then you probably now have a half migrated database aka corrupted database, see Q4 to verify this is now the case and possible fixes:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/plex.md

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/21/2023 at 5:23 PM, BeardElk said:

I've got the same, and after "migration" my hardware transcode doesn't work anymore. 

I tried to downgrade to a previous version but hw transcode for me is totally broken right now.
This could be something else entirely, ie user error or something, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. 

I let the migration run it's course and plex starts up just fine btw. Just give it time depending on your library. 


I am also having a problem with Hardware Transcoding not working anymore.  I am on 6.11.5 of Unraid and I have my Plex docker (BinHex-Plex Pass) on latest.  I have an Nvidia P2000 and I am running the most recent set of drivers (

525.85.05).  I don't see any errors in the docker logs.


Not sure how long HW transcoding on my P2000 hasn't been working....


Any suggestions on how to move forward?  Let me know if there is any additional information you need.


Appreciate any help provided!


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