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[Support] ken-ji - Dropbox

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4 minutes ago, itimpi said:

That is the way I am using the DropBox container.

If you have a reference/tutorial you have seen for creating this, would you drop me a link in the reply? If not I can go through the google, but there are some exceptionally common terms in my likely query so any help or shortcut to resources would be appreciated.  :-)

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On 11/21/2019 at 1:32 PM, jordan said:

If you have a reference/tutorial you have seen for creating this, would you drop me a link in the reply? If not I can go through the google, but there are some exceptionally common terms in my likely query so any help or shortcut to resources would be appreciated.  🙂

@jordanhttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18757471 has a decent write up on how to create a sparse file, and format the sparse file and use it mounted as a drive for this exact situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have installed UnRaid 6.7.2 Pro. All disks have FS like XFS. If I install Dropbox in Docker and start it then in Log I see error about "This is usually because of a permissions error. Storing your home folder on a network share can also cause an error."

In /tmp/dropbox_errorz4zfjotw.txt I see this content:

bn.BUILD_KEY: Dropbox
bn.VERSION: 85.4.155
bn.is_frozen: True
machine_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
pid: 15
ppid: 1
ppid exe: failed
uid: 99
user_info: pwd.struct_passwd(pw_name='nobody', pw_passwd='x', pw_uid=99, pw_gid=99, pw_gecos='nobody', pw_dir='/dropbox', pw_shell='/bin/bash')
effective_user_info: pwd.struct_passwd(pw_name='nobody', pw_passwd='x', pw_uid=99, pw_gid=99, pw_gecos='nobody', pw_dir='/dropbox', pw_shell='/bin/bash')
euid: 99
gid: 99
egid: 99
group_info: grp.struct_group(gr_name='nogroup', gr_passwd='x', gr_gid=99, gr_mem=[])
effective_group_info: grp.struct_group(gr_name='nogroup', gr_passwd='x', gr_gid=99, gr_mem=[])
cwd: '/dropbox'
                mode=0o40777    uid=99  gid=100
     parent     mode=0o40755    uid=0   gid=0
HOME: '/dropbox'
appdata: '/dropbox/.dropbox/instance1'
                mode=0o40700    uid=99  gid=100
         parent mode=0o40755    uid=99  gid=100
dropbox_path: '/dropbox/Dropbox'
                        mode=0o40755    uid=99  gid=100
              parent    mode=0o40777    uid=99  gid=100
sys_executable: '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-85.4.155/dropbox'
                        mode=0o100755   uid=99  gid=100
                parent  mode=0o40755    uid=99  gid=100
trace.__file__: '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-85.4.155/python-packages-37.zip/dropbox/client/ui/common/boot_error.pyc'
                        not found
                parent  not found
tempdir: '/tmp'
                mode=0o41777    uid=0   gid=0
         parent mode=0o40755    uid=0   gid=0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 296, in execute
sqlite3.OperationalError: disk I/O error

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/database.pyc", line 224, in load_dropbox_filecache
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/file_cache.pyc", line 482, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/transactions.pyc", line 1311, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/queues/queues.pyc", line 198, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/queues/queues.pyc", line 756, in _create_tables
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 301, in execute
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 267, in _raise_better_operational_exception
  File "six.pyc", line 692, in reraise
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 296, in execute

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 296, in execute
sqlite3.OperationalError: disk I/O error

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dropbox/client/main.pyc", line 817, in wrapper
  File "dropbox/client/main.pyc", line 6786, in finish_dropbox_boot
  File "dropbox/client/main.pyc", line 6250, in _init_components_for_account
  File "dropbox/client/main.pyc", line 6204, in create_sync_engine
  File "dropbox/sync_engine_boundary/factory.pyc", line 372, in make_sync_engine
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/sync_engine.pyc", line 1110, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/database.pyc", line 231, in load_dropbox_filecache
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/file_cache.pyc", line 482, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/file_cache/transactions.pyc", line 1311, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/queues/queues.pyc", line 198, in __init__
  File "dropbox/sync_engine/queues/queues.pyc", line 756, in _create_tables
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 301, in execute
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 267, in _raise_better_operational_exception
  File "six.pyc", line 692, in reraise
  File "dropbox/sqlite3_helpers.pyc", line 296, in execute



The path of Data of Dropbox is in array: /mnt/user/Dropbox/Dropbox

The folder Dropbox is created by deamon of Dropbox service in docker..


Do you have, author, any advice for me for runing Dropbox at UnRaid?


Many thanks for any advice...


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I think the problem is that the data directory is in the array as there have been known issues with sqlite and the array user shares filesystem. This issue seems to be fixed in the the current RCs.

For the time being you can put the docker data in /mnt/cache/Dropbox via the settings and editing the Container Path: /dropbox/Dropbox



You might want to show the Host path settings that you have so we can see why yours became /mnt/user/Dropbxox/Dropbox


If you do this *changing the location of the Dropbox files*, make sure to either start fresh with empty Dropbox and appdata directories, or move the files in as Dropbiox might decide you emptied your folder and proceed to nuke all your files.

Edited by ken-ji
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Ok. I tried set Host Path 3 to /mnt/cache/Dropbox. The path /mnt/cache/Dropbox was created. But in log I see same error: "Couldn't start Dropbox.
This is usually because of a permissions error. Storing your home folder on a network share can also cause an error."


Any other idea what can I try change?

Edited by Ropo
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The problem was in Host Path 2. I set this path to /mnt/cache/appdata/dropbox. But I see new message in log: "[ALERT]: So your files continue to sync, sign in to your Dropbox account and move Dropbox to a supported file system."


I have the path Host Path 3 set to /mnt/user/Dropbox/Dropbox. This Dropbox service not support XFS file system in UnRaid array?

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3 minutes ago, Ropo said:

I have the path Host Path 3 set to /mnt/user/Dropbox/Dropbox. This Dropbox service not support XFS file system in UnRaid array?

The entire /mnt/user is a FUSE filesystem called shfs - which is what Unraid uses to merge all the disks together into a single virtual filesystem.

Dropbox is being anal by just checking the fs in use and rejecting "unsupported" ones out of hand. Also if Dropbox wasn't being anal, storing your Dropbox files on the array would cause issues unless use cache disk is turned off, else watch Dropbox delete your files when the mover kicks in.

The workaround for this is to locate the Dropbox files on a specific disk ie /mnt/disk1/Dropbox or /mnt/cache/Dropbox (like I do).

Another workaround, if you must store it on the array, is to create a loopback disk image on the array and format it ext4, then mount it ie /mnt/disks/Dropbox then point Dropbox there.

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  • Thanks 1
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7 hours ago, eszed said:

Hi Ken-ji,


I've just installed, and dropbox.py gives me

/usr/bin/env: 'python3': No such file or directory

... so it looks like they may have migrated that script to Python3.

Yeah, I saw that - I am considering my options as my personal convictions want me to use a Slackware base for the docker image, but Slackware 14.2 is old and doesn't come with a native python3 build.

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1 minute ago, ken-ji said:

I've never seen the tornado warnings myself. But AFAIK, its usually access issues between the dropbox app, and your files

Thanks. I had this drive fail yesterday, so DB is currently not running and I'm rebuilding; then I'll be moving the entire array to a new (better cooled) system.  Christmas break is coming up, so I'll have a couple days to dive into it for real. If I do find the problem I'll post a solution back. 

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On 12/10/2019 at 7:17 PM, ken-ji said:

I'll try to look for one...

This looks to be the most recently-forked version on github:




A better alternative, though: does anyone on this board have a working copy of this image still running? (If you do, don't re-pull it! It'll break.). If you do, can you extract this script for us?

command docker exec -i Dropbox sh -c 'cp /usr/local/bin/dropbox.py /dropbox/Dropbox'

will get it into your


-- then do you mind posting to the board?



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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, TerryJMyers said:

I must be missing something, but its not obvious to me as to how to set the user name and password and/or two factor auth of the dropbox account that this docker should connect to.  I don't see anything obvious in "show more settings", this thread, GitHub, etc.

The dropbox client here is headless, and on startup if it decides you are not logged in, it will print a link in the container logs. This link should be opened in any browser, which will then proceed to have you login to Dropbox via passwords, tokens, 2FA and whatever. Upon successful login, the client will then proceed to sync.


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Used this without issues, but now I'm getting the following errors after upgrading my account from pro to business teams trial. 

I am storing it directly in a disk (not user share)



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception, closing connection.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 866, in start
File "tornado/stack_context.pyc", line 275, in null_wrapper
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 693, in _server_request_loop
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 876, in run
File "tornado/http1connection.pyc", line 168, in _read_message
File "tornado/gen.pyc", line 870, in run
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 215, in result
File "<string>", line 3, in raise_exc_info
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 508, in _handle_events
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1322, in _handle_read
File "tornado/iostream.pyc", line 1243, in _do_ssl_handshake
File "dropbox/overrides.pyc", line 334, in do_handshake
File "ssl.pyc", line 896, in session
ValueError: Cannot set session for server-side SSLSocket.
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback <function IOLoop.add_future.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x14a05b499e60> for <tornado.concurrent.Future object at 0x14a05b4a85d0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dropbox/sync_engine/p2p/server.pyc", line 160, in _handle_request

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 300, in _set_done
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 584, in <lambda>
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 914, in add_callback
RuntimeError: IOLoop is closing
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback <function IOLoop.add_future.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x14a05b4a3710> for <tornado.concurrent.Future object at 0x14a05b442ad0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dropbox/sync_engine/p2p/server.pyc", line 160, in _handle_request

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 300, in _set_done
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 584, in <lambda>
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 914, in add_callback
RuntimeError: IOLoop is closing
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback <function IOLoop.add_future.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x14a05b409d40> for <tornado.concurrent.Future object at 0x14a05b40a6d0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dropbox/sync_engine/p2p/server.pyc", line 160, in _handle_request

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 300, in _set_done
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 584, in <lambda>
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 914, in add_callback
RuntimeError: IOLoop is closing
ERROR:tornado.application:Exception in callback <function IOLoop.add_future.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x14a05b41c0e0> for <tornado.concurrent.Future object at 0x14a05b462710>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dropbox/sync_engine/p2p/server.pyc", line 160, in _handle_request

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tornado/concurrent.pyc", line 300, in _set_done
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 584, in <lambda>
File "tornado/ioloop.pyc", line 914, in add_callback
RuntimeError: IOLoop is closing
dropbox: locating interpreter
dropbox: logging to /tmp/dropbox-antifreeze-Y5mKHX
dropbox: initializing
dropbox: initializing python 3.7.5
dropbox: setting program path '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/dropbox'
dropbox: setting python path '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292:/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/python-packages.zip'
dropbox: python initialized
dropbox: running dropbox
dropbox: setting args
dropbox: applying overrides
dropbox: running main script
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._constant_time.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._padding.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/psutil._psutil_linux.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/psutil._psutil_posix.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/apex._apex.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-90.3.292/tornado.speedups.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
Couldn't start Dropbox.
This is usually because of a permissions error. Storing your home folder on a network share can also cause an error.

Get more help at https://www.dropbox.com/c/help/permissions_error

Please contact Dropbox support with the following info for help:



Edited by CyberMew
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@CyberMew Hey, I don't have dropbox for business and have never tried the container with such an account.

I will say the error logs seems like your container seems to be failing in connecting to the Dropbox servers. Diud you try starting the container against a new and empty appdata folder as well as the Dropbox folder?

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