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[SOLVED] Routing between containers


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Is there a simple way to rout connections between containers?


Back when I hosted my programs on a windows server I created a php script that would send a UDP packet to Murmur (Mumble server) using port 64738 on the same host and get the number of connected users (and some other misc server properties) in a packet as a response. I used this to generate an RSS feed to let users know if anyone was in the server.


I've since transitioned to unRAID and have both the web server and Murmur running in containers now. When I attempt to send a packet from the web server container to the Murmur container the connection times out. It fails when using, localhost, the local IP, remote IP or the server domain name. I'm assuming the connection is never leaving the web server docker container.


I've been able to test the script locally on my PC and I can communicate to the murmur container and Installing murmur on my PC the script is able to request the data fine drom inside of hte container. I'm using hernandito's Apache-PHP-Adminer and coppit's MumbleServer containers if it matters.



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