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Need a new machine


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Went to turn on my second server this morning and nothing.  Checked if it was a bad power supply and that isn't the problem.  It's an old Gigabyte ep45-ud3r mb and I have 12 hard drives connected.  I need a replacement and I have no idea to get.  I use unraid to store and play video files and music.  No docker, VM or any of that other fancy stuff (because I don't really know what it is or what it does :)).  I don't want overkill, just something that will meet my needs.  Any help, advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Your least expensive option is to just buy the same board on e-bay:



But assuming you want to replace it with something more modern, and less risky (a used board may last a long time; or may die very quickly) ... then there are a variety of options.


Personally, for a server I prefer to use a board that supports ECC memory, to provide an extra layer of fault tolerance.  For the basic use you need, you don't need a Xeon processor ... so a server-quality motherboard with an i3 is fine.


Something like this:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813182996


... with this CPU:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1UH3Z96233


... and 2 of these:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820242154

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... You would, of course, need a card to add the additional SATA ports you need.    The board I suggested has 8 ports; so you could use a 4-port board or larger to get to 12 ports.    Not sure what you're using now -- if it's a PCIe board you could simply move it to the new system;  if it's an old PCI card, you'll need to buy a new board.


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You're welcome.  One very nice feature of UnRAID is that there's nothing to load or configure on the new hardware. 


You just set up the new hardware (motherboard/CPU/memory); connect all of your drives [in this case you'll of course need an additional SATA controller card if you can't reuse the one you have now] ... and then just boot from your current flash drive.  Makes it VERY easy to "... get it up and running."  :)


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