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[Support] for atribe's repo Docker images

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I recently set up Telegraf+InfluxDB+Grafana (+HDDTemp).

In order to get Nvidia GPU stats, I changed my telegraf repository from alpine to latest. Life was good.


However, I've just noticed that, in the Docker tab of unRAID, the Telegraf icon is missing and the docker container name is no longer a link to edit the template. If I click the docker icon, I only have the options of Console, Start, Stop, Pause, Restart, and Remove. Telegraf-DockerView.thumb.png.4f0d932f5925862ec3532fc9ca026405.png

My Grafana dashboard is still populating properly. So, Telegraf still appears to be doing its job.


That said, can anyone help me figure out what I broke? Or is this just the price of switching the repository (I would switch back to confirm this but as stated, I can't edit the template)?


EDIT: Found the problem...somehow the my-telegraf.xml file at /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user was deleted. Not a clue how that happened as I don't make a point of rooting around in /boot unnecessarily. In any case, thanks to the CA Backup/Restore Appdata plugin, I copied the file back to /boot. A refresh of the Docker tab shows I'm back to normal (icon and all).

Edited by rragu
Problem solved
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7 minutes ago, rragu said:

I recently set up Telegraf+InfluxDB+Grafana (+HDDTemp).

In order to get Nvidia GPU stats, I changed my telegraf repository from alpine to latest. Life was good.


However, I've just noticed that, in the Docker tab of unRAID, the Telegraf icon is missing and the docker container name is no longer a link to edit the template. If I click the docker icon, I only have the options of Console, Start, Stop, Pause, Restart, and Remove. Telegraf-DockerView.thumb.png.4f0d932f5925862ec3532fc9ca026405.png

My Grafana dashboard is still populating properly. So, Telegraf still appears to be doing its job.


That said, can anyone help me figure out what I broke? Or is this just the price of switching the repository (I would switch back to confirm this but as stated, I can't edit the template)?

Probably the cost of switching the repo. See the bottom left of you screenshot? Libray/telegraf. You customized it. You might be able to go into the file system where that template info is stored and put the icon there.

Edited by atribe
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38 minutes ago, atribe said:

Probably the cost of switching the repo. See the bottom left of you screenshot? Libray/telegraf. You customized it. You might be able to go into the file system where that template info is stored and put the icon there.



EDIT: Solved both issues as described in my post above.

Edited by rragu
Problem solved
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On 3/9/2020 at 8:38 AM, Alphahelix said:

Hi all,


I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



Funny thing. This just happend to me as well, and i can't get it working again. Super frustrating. On unRAID 6.8.3


got both eht0 and eth1 bonded and briged and the only options in grafana now is "eth0" and "all". When i look into the influxdb that's the only entries as well, so i guess the telegraf docker is f****?


edit: Spelling

Edited by iamnypz
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I set this up yesterday using Network Type Bridge and everything worked great... today I changed Network Type to Custom Br0 so it could have a specific IP and for some reason it keeps labelling my Hostname as something like 68239e66048b rather than the Unraid name.


2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Tags enabled: host=68239e66048b
2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:30s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"68239e66048b", Flush Interval:10s


Anyone got any ideas as to why?




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On 5/11/2020 at 5:46 PM, jaminben said:



I set this up yesterday using Network Type Bridge and everything worked great... today I changed Network Type to Custom Br0 so it could have a specific IP and for some reason it keeps labelling my Hostname as something like 68239e66048b rather than the Unraid name.


2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Tags enabled: host=68239e66048b
2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:30s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"68239e66048b", Flush Interval:10s


Anyone got any ideas as to why?




It jus doest that i guess. Same happened to me. Change hostname in line 94 in telegraf.conf (se attached pic)image.png.75d9e51cfffa99e24562f60d9f1a2720.png

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On 5/12/2020 at 7:52 PM, iamnypz said:

It jus doest that i guess. Same happened to me. Change hostname in line 94 in telegraf.conf (se attached pic)image.png.75d9e51cfffa99e24562f60d9f1a2720.png

Thanks for the reply... I tried that but my graphs no longer work. I can only get graphs to work if I use 68239e66048b hostname and that now appears to change at intervals. It's something to do with the way I have my IP addressing setup but I'm at a loss at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently changed my network around and have a new IP for my server, and since then I can't open Grafana.

For a little while it was giving me the following error:

If you’re seeing this Grafana has failed to load its application files

This could be caused by your reverse proxy settings.

If you host grafana under subpath make sure your grafana.ini root_path setting includes subpath

If you have a local dev build make sure you build frontend using: npm run dev, npm run watch, or npm run build

Sometimes restarting grafana-server can help

I'm not using any reverse proxy, and I've tried restarting Grafana a number of times, no help. Now it fails because it redirects too many times, with the URL looking like this:

Besides the network setup, all I've changed is Key 1, GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL, to my new IP (, changed from I guess I've also added Tautulli & Varken, but I haven't really done anything with them since I can't open Grafana.

Edited by sempervirens
noted lack of reverse proxy
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On 3/9/2020 at 8:38 AM, Alphahelix said:

Hi all,


I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



I deleted the docker image under settings->docker and now it works. Try it!

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HDDTemp causing "attempting task abort!" message blocks in syslog?


I yesterday noticed error messages in syslog which seemed very similar to this issue. I posted my detailed findings there.

May 24 17:01:12 TMS-740 kernel: sd 1:0:12:0: attempting task abort! scmd(00000000c75493da)
May 24 17:01:12 TMS-740 kernel: sd 1:0:12:0: [sdn] tag#518 CDB: opcode=0x85 85 06 20 00 d8 00 00 00 00 00 4f 00 c2 00 b0 00
May 24 17:01:12 TMS-740 kernel: scsi target1:0:12: handle(0x001d), sas_address(0x443322110e000000), phy(14)
May 24 17:01:12 TMS-740 kernel: scsi target1:0:12: enclosure logical id(0x500062b200794840), slot(13) 
May 24 17:01:12 TMS-740 kernel: sd 1:0:12:0: task abort: SUCCESS scmd(00000000c75493da)


The only change I had made in several months time was the addition of HDDTemp docker. I tried stopping the docker and the error messages went away. Just a heads up cross-post if someone else runs into this. I simply disabled the HDDTemp for now.


Edited by henris
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't appear to have the same problem with HDDTemp, but I do have another problem. Since switching to this docker I'm getting the following graph:




The two disks with the vertical lines are usually reading at 0deg but will occasionally read the correct temps. The two disks in question happen to both be Seagate 4TB disks, but they aren't my only of that type. No other disks are behaving this way. Nothing unusual in the Unraid syslog.


I happen to have another docker that's pulling Netatmo stats from the API. This one also quits reporting from time to time. I don't know if this is an Unraid docker problem, or if it's specific to how the container works. 


Any advice is appreciated!

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On 6/13/2020 at 1:18 PM, Bitbass said:

I don't appear to have the same problem with HDDTemp, but I do have another problem. Since switching to this docker I'm getting the following graph:




The two disks with the vertical lines are usually reading at 0deg but will occasionally read the correct temps. The two disks in question happen to both be Seagate 4TB disks, but they aren't my only of that type. No other disks are behaving this way. Nothing unusual in the Unraid syslog.


I happen to have another docker that's pulling Netatmo stats from the API. This one also quits reporting from time to time. I don't know if this is an Unraid docker problem, or if it's specific to how the container works. 


Any advice is appreciated!

No change since I posted this a week ago. I'm still getting the drop outs on two disks. Any thoughts on where I should look?

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this has been posted in the General Support fourm by mistake.


Grafana Raw Data question


I am having a bit of a problem is getting raw data into my Grafana.


I have followed the attached URL to install and set up my Config File   

I then want and tried to add a data source but I am informed the following  Network Error: Bad Gateway

and I can't see were I have gone wrong.



I have attached a copy of my Config file and also a screenshot of my Data Set in the hope that someone can see my mistake


Update:  my problem was a typo in he URL



Edited by chris_netsmart
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Has anyone gotten UDP to work on InfluxDB Docker?


I've tried:

- Adding a port mapping for 8089 for UDP traffic

- installing nano and editing /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf to add the relevant [udp] section as it doesn't exist

- restarting the docker

- logs show that it is listening on :8089 for UDP


But after all that, it won't accept the same UDP packets that a local Windows InfluxDB does accept.

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2 hours ago, chris_netsmart said:

at last I have got my dockers link up, but now I am getting no data.

is there a way to test the influxDB to see if there is any data being collected. ?


If you open the Docker's Console, type `influx` and hit enter, you will be brought to the InfluxDB console


Then type `show databases` and hit enter to see all the created databases


Type `use <database name>` and hit enter to select that database


Type `show measurements` and hit enter to see all logged measurement values


Type `select last(*) from <measurement name>` and hit enter and should show you only the last measurement and all its data

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thanks @axipher for your help, I am now able to populate my dashboard with data 🙂

I am not looking at getting a basic Plex dashboard installed and looking around it looks like I need to install Varken, 

so I went to the App Store and installed it, but at the moment it is a stop statics and I can't get it to start.

so I have look around and I have a funny feeling that it is like telegraf that I need to set up a config file, but I can't find any useful information on how to do this.

so is there a usful website that walks you through the steps ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone able to get Grafana's Image Renderer plugin working with this Docker? After installing it through the console & restarting, it doesn't work :[ 


Grafana v7.0.5 (efbcbb838b)




t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=eror msg="Stopped RenderingService" logger=server reason="Failed to start renderer plugin: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."

t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=warn msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-image-renderer

t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Stopped Stream Manager"
t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=info msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address=[::]:3000 protocol=http subUrl= socket=
t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=eror msg="A service failed" logger=server err="Failed to start renderer plugin: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."

t=2020-07-08T11:22:52+0800 lvl=eror msg="Server shutdown" logger=server reason="Failed to start renderer plugin: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nTh


EDIT: I got it working. Had to create a new Docker container following advice from https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/image_rendering/#remote-rendering-service, then adding extra enviroment variables (GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: http://UNRAID_IP:8081/render,GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: http://UNRAID_IP:3000/,GF_LOG_FILTERS: rendering:debug) to the Grafana Docker.

Edited by bamtan
added fix
  • Thanks 1
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I have looked around but I can't find a way to do this,  I have the Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana dockers that allow me to monitor my Unraid server, I also have the corsairpsu plugin that allows me to monitor my PSU usage but I would like to move this function into my Grafana. but I can't find any instructions on how to do this.  is it possible ?

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anyone had any lucking using inputs.bond?


i get this in my log:

2020-07-15T18:18:00Z E! [inputs.bond] Error in plugin: error inspecting '/rootfs/proc/net/bonding/bond0' interface: open /rootfs/proc/net/bonding/bond0: no such file or directory

then i set the path in conf with 'host_proc = "/proc"' and then got this:

2020-07-15T18:19:00Z E! [inputs.bond] Error in plugin: error inspecting '/proc/net/bonding/bond0' interface: open /proc/net/bonding/bond0: no such file or directory


Edited by Dephcon
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a  little problem, which I am trying to resolve, and getting a bit confused.


I have done the snmpwalk command and got a long list of results from my QNAP.

I have then gone through and located ' I think I have the right variables ' for the data which I want to capture.


##   HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0 = Timeticks: (17473469) 2 days, 0:32:14.69
##   HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemDate.0 = STRING: 2020-7-27,14:9:48.0,+0:0
##   HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.33 = INTEGER: 86926
##   HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.7 = INTEGER: 30400


now here is the bit I am not a 100% sure about,  I have then gone to telegraf configure file and added the following code so that it knows were to go and collect the right information


# # Retrieves SNMP values from remote agents
#   ## Agent addresses to retrieve values from.
  agents = ["udp://"]       # QNAP 
#  timeout = "5s"                    ## Timeout for each request.
  version = 2                          ## SNMP version; can be 1, 2, or 3.
  community = "storage"           ## SNMP community string.
  retries = 3                         ## Number of retries to attempt.
  name = "snmp"


#  System uptime
     name = "sysUpTime"
     oid = "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0"


# IF-MIB::ifTable contains counters on input and output traffic as well as errors and discards.
    name = "interface"
    inherit_tags = [ "hostname" ]
    oid = "IF-MIB::ifTable"

    # Interface tag - used to identify interface in metrics database
      name = "ifDescr"
      oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
      is_tag = true


# IF-MIB::ifXTable contains newer High Capacity (HC) counters that do not overflow as fast for a few of the ifTable counters
    name = "interface"
    inherit_tags = [ "hostname" ]
    oid = "IF-MIB::ifXTable"

    # Interface tag - used to identify interface in metrics database
      name = "ifDescr"
      oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
      is_tag = true


# EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsTable contains detailed ethernet-level information about what kind of errors have been logged on an interface (such as FCS error, frame too long, etc)
    name = "interface"
    inherit_tags = [ "hostname" ]
    oid = "EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsTable"


    # Interface tag - used to identify interface in metrics database
      name = "ifDescr"
      oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
      is_tag = true

update:  I have found some working code that displays the amount of up time the Qnap has been running but at the moment, it is showing a number is is miles away from the real time.  explain I just rebooted my Qnap and it shows that it has need running for 10 mins were as Grafana is saying it has been running for 4 days.    is I don't understand


here is also a screen shot my of my code within Grafana




any ideals ?


UPDATE: Found the solution. after a lot of reading you need to do the following in Grafana  (   Add Math(/100) )




Edited by chris_netsmart
found some working code but time is out
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I followed the guide at Reddit, which has been working great. I decided to try and get HDD temps, so I added the [[inputs.hddtemp]] to my telegraf.conf file and restarted Telegraf and now I get the following error:

2020-07-28T14:01:50Z E! [inputs.hddtemp] Error in plugin: dial tcp connect: connection refused

My Telegraf container has it's own IP address, and the HDDtemp container does not get an IP address assigned. How do I tell Telegraf where to go to get the data from the HDDtemp container if it doesn't have an IP? I tried using "address = [unraidIP] in telegraf.conf, but it didn't help.

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@Arindrew give me 24 hours and i will dig out my notes and.piat it for you.   I do reminder that it is very easy.  I just bet that you have over looked something.


OK, I have check my notes and it looks like all I did was to install the Docker HDTemp 

then I when to the config file for Telegraf and locate the following


# # Monitor disks' temperatures using hddtemp


# ## By default, telegraf gathers temps data from all disks detected by the

# ## hddtemp.


# Only collect temps from the selected disks.

# A * as the device name will return the temperature values of all disks.

## address = ""

## devices = ["sda", "*"]


then remove the ### that is in front of the [[Inputs.hddtemp]] 

then reboot Telegraf.

once the docker is rebooted then go into Grafana and open your dashboard and add the HDTemp to your query.


this works for me, and I would also like to point out that I telegraf don't have a IP address.

Edited by chris_netsmart
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