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[SOLVED]Upgrade from 6.1.9 to 6.2.2 Share folder now empty


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Good morning,

I decided to upgrade my unRaid server to the latest build today.

Everything went smoothly for the most part.


I currently have 6 shares

One of them has gone empty, and its one of the most important ones.

Files still show on disks, but UNC-ing into the folder shows it empty. browsing through unRaid UI Shares > TV Shows shows nothing in it


I've rad xfs_repair -v \dev\md1 to no avail.


I read the 2 other posts of people with similar issues.

Any ideas?








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well... I'm careless and unRaid is amazing.

Evoked Mover Script and opened up syslog

lo and behold. There it was. 3 lines highlighted in red:


Oct 28 06:55:20 MS kernel: XFS (md6): Corruption warning: Metadata has LSN (1:107007) ahead of current LSN (1:1425). Please unmount and run xfs_repair (>= v4.3) to resolve.[/Code]

stopped array
checked maintenance mode check box
hit start (start in maintenance)
launched putty, SSH-ed into server (I rather use this than the GUI check)
type    [code]xfs_repair /dev/md6

wait 5 minutes


stopped array, and started it



Now only if I had just waited a bit before posting.

Hope this helps someone.





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