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Guides and Videos


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This thread is reserved for guides and videos for unRAID.  Please do not ask for support here, such requests and anything off-topic will be deleted or moved.

  • Note: work in progress, incomplete, more to add, and the order of listing can be improved
  • Note: periodically recheck the Spaceinvader One YouTube for any new videos
  • Note: many videos aren't visible in the linked post if using https, must use http
  • Note: any linked posts with embedded videos will be slow to load, allow your browser extra time!  Their pages may also jump around some as they load.

The unRAID community owes the authors below a huge debt of gratitude for the outstanding work here, especially to gridrunner!  Please consider dropping them a note of appreciation, or more if they have a donation link!

Guides and Videos for General unRAID Usage

Guides and Videos for Dockers in unRAID

Guides and Videos for VM's in unRAID

unRAID Manuals


  • FAQ for unRAID v6 on the forums, general NAS questions, not for Dockers or VM's
  • FAQ for unRAID v6 on the unRAID wiki - it has a tremendous amount of information, questions and answers about unRAID.  It's being updated for v6, but much is still only for v4 and v5.
  • Docker FAQ - concerning all things Docker, their setup, operation, management, and troubleshooting
  • FAQ for binhex Docker containers - some of the questions and answers are of general interest, not just for binhex containers
  • VM FAQ - a FAQ for VM's and all virtualization issues
  • FAQ for unRAID v4 and v5 - old!  not for v6

- add miscellaneous (Turbo Write?  Tips and Tweaks?  old build guides?  Reiser-to-XFS conversion?  maintenance guides?)
- note: don't know where this all belongs - wiki page, stickied post in ?? board, somewhere else??


Edited by trurl
link to Spaceinvader One YouTube
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