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How to setup Notifications

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I'd like to setup some email notifications for Array Status and System but couldn't get it to work.  I guess my main question is do I need to install a plugin for this to work?


Under Settings Notifications I have set the following

System Status - Enabled

Array Status - Enabled


For now I have them setup as Every Hour in order to determine if it's working.


For SMTP I have the following


Sending - my gmail address

Email Recipients - my gmail address

For the rest I pretty much left as is

Mail Server - smtp.gmail.com Port is 465

Authentication Method is Login with my username and password for my gmail account.


All the ones below such as Boxcar and Prowler I just left blank..don't even know what those are.


When I run Test, I get Authorization failed.  So, am I missing something?



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Ok, I'll take a read through. 


Well, got one step further, noticed SSL/TLS was enabled, disabled it and now test tells me " Invalid response SMTP server"


Bingo!  That did the trick.  It now works!




I have SSL/TLS enabled but I went to the "Sing-in and Security" page on G-mail and set "Allow less secure apps:" to 'On'.  That make it work for me.


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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for the info, Frank. That's where I was at when trying to find the security setting to enable access for less secure apps. Not sure if my eyes are just crossed, or if Google moved the setting, but I still can't find it (was thinking it would be under security | google apps with account access - nogo). I'm tempted to use another email service for unraid notifications.


I'm using Chrome if that matters.

Edited by realdiel
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